On Thursday, June 06, 2013 at 23:16 EDT,
     Robert Martin <rdmart...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I want to work on a visualization program for git. I was hoping there
> was a library that would allow me to monitor a git repo for changes.
> Consider it like inotify, but for a git repository (in fact, I think
> it would probably have inotify under the hood).
> This hypothetical library would trigger an event any time the
> repository was modified, i.e. any time the graph that represents
> history was changed.
> Is there such a library? If not, is there a better way to monitor the
> repository so that I wouldn't need to write it myself? Would anyone
> else be interested if I wrote it myself?

'git ls-remote'? Either run periodically or, if the monitored git is
local, triggered via inotify. If you have control over the git perhaps
a post-receive hook would be useful too.

Magnus Bäck
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