On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 12:54:57PM +0100, Aaron Gray wrote:
> I am having problems cloning a 2.1GB repo from googlesource
> C:\Users\Aaron Gray\GitHub>git clone
> https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/chromium
> Cloning into 'chromium'...
> remote: Sending approximately 2.11 GiB ...
> error: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly MiB | 2.74 MiB/s
> fatal: RPC failed; curl 56 SSL read:
> error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10054
> early EOF
> fatal: index-pack failed
> I am repeatedly getting the same result on a 36MBit connection
> Hoping for a soulution.
> Regards,
> Aaron

Nothing much that can be done with a flaky connection. What git does
support are so called bundle files. These basically contain history that
you can import. Such a bundle can be offered through a resumable
transport, such as http.

I'll send you a link to a bundle for the chromium project.

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