I have a local/development branch tracked to origin/development. I made no changes to local/dev and did a git pull with rebase, I did not expect any conflicts.

I got a conflict and was thrown onto another branch. I attempted a merge (using IntelliJ) accepting everything from the server but a variable definition was missing for some odd reason and the merge was not successful (merge was resolved but the file would not compile) so I decided to simply go back to my dev branch and figure out how to do a git pull -f (force overwrite of all local files so that I could get my local/dev back into sync with origin/dev.

On my screwed up branch that I was thrust onto:
I typed:
$git rebase --skip <= I was stuck in a rebase (rebase failed, was thrown onto a tmp branch and thought this would get me out of there)

Now I have been sitting here for an hour watching "Applying: <message" scroll by and it looks like the messages are going backwards into the past one by one. What the hell is happening?

    Applying: add log information
    Applying: <previous message
    .... and it goes on and on and on.

All I want to do at this point is to get back to my dev branch and force pull from origin/dev while keeping all local files that have not been added to my local repo.

How do I stop this madness and get back to local dev and force pull from origin/dev <= which is our master.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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