ihji commented on a change in pull request #11935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11935#discussion_r438370617

File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/runners/portability/artifact_service.py
@@ -55,272 +52,6 @@
   from typing import Iterable
   from typing import MutableMapping
-# The legacy artifact staging and retrieval services.
-class AbstractArtifactService(
-    beam_artifact_api_pb2_grpc.LegacyArtifactStagingServiceServicer,
-    beam_artifact_api_pb2_grpc.LegacyArtifactRetrievalServiceServicer):
-  _DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 2 << 20  # 2mb
-  def __init__(self, root, chunk_size=None):
-    self._root = root
-    self._chunk_size = chunk_size or self._DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
-  def _sha256(self, string):
-    return hashlib.sha256(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
-  def _join(self, *args):
-    # type: (*str) -> str
-    raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
-  def _dirname(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
-  def _temp_path(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return path + '.tmp'
-  def _open(self, path, mode):
-    raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
-  def _rename(self, src, dest):
-    # type: (str, str) -> None
-    raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
-  def _delete(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> None
-    raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
-  def _artifact_path(self, retrieval_token, name):
-    # type: (str, str) -> str
-    return self._join(self._dirname(retrieval_token), self._sha256(name))
-  def _manifest_path(self, retrieval_token):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return retrieval_token
-  def _get_manifest_proxy(self, retrieval_token):
-    # type: (str) -> beam_artifact_api_pb2.ProxyManifest
-    with self._open(self._manifest_path(retrieval_token), 'r') as fin:
-      return json_format.Parse(
-          fin.read().decode('utf-8'), beam_artifact_api_pb2.ProxyManifest())
-  def retrieval_token(self, staging_session_token):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return self._join(
-        self._root, self._sha256(staging_session_token), 'MANIFEST')
-  def PutArtifact(self, request_iterator, context=None):
-    # type: (...) -> beam_artifact_api_pb2.PutArtifactResponse
-    first = True
-    for request in request_iterator:
-      if first:
-        first = False
-        metadata = request.metadata.metadata
-        retrieval_token = self.retrieval_token(
-            request.metadata.staging_session_token)
-        artifact_path = self._artifact_path(retrieval_token, metadata.name)
-        temp_path = self._temp_path(artifact_path)
-        fout = self._open(temp_path, 'w')
-        hasher = hashlib.sha256()
-      else:
-        hasher.update(request.data.data)
-        fout.write(request.data.data)
-    fout.close()
-    data_hash = hasher.hexdigest()
-    if metadata.sha256 and metadata.sha256 != data_hash:
-      self._delete(temp_path)
-      raise ValueError(
-          'Bad metadata hash: %s vs %s' % (metadata.sha256, data_hash))
-    self._rename(temp_path, artifact_path)
-    return beam_artifact_api_pb2.PutArtifactResponse()
-  def CommitManifest(self,
-                     request,  # type: 
-                     context=None):
-    # type: (...) -> beam_artifact_api_pb2.CommitManifestResponse
-    retrieval_token = self.retrieval_token(request.staging_session_token)
-    proxy_manifest = beam_artifact_api_pb2.ProxyManifest(
-        manifest=request.manifest,
-        location=[
-            beam_artifact_api_pb2.ProxyManifest.Location(
-                name=metadata.name,
-                uri=self._artifact_path(retrieval_token, metadata.name))
-            for metadata in request.manifest.artifact
-        ])
-    with self._open(self._manifest_path(retrieval_token), 'w') as fout:
-      fout.write(json_format.MessageToJson(proxy_manifest).encode('utf-8'))
-    return beam_artifact_api_pb2.CommitManifestResponse(
-        retrieval_token=retrieval_token)
-  def GetManifest(self,
-                  request,  # type: beam_artifact_api_pb2.GetManifestRequest
-                  context=None):
-    # type: (...) -> beam_artifact_api_pb2.GetManifestResponse
-    return beam_artifact_api_pb2.GetManifestResponse(
-        manifest=self._get_manifest_proxy(request.retrieval_token).manifest)
-  def GetArtifact(self,
-                  request,  # type: 
-                  context=None):
-    # type: (...) -> Iterator[beam_artifact_api_pb2.ArtifactChunk]
-    for artifact in self._get_manifest_proxy(request.retrieval_token).location:
-      if artifact.name == request.name:
-        with self._open(artifact.uri, 'r') as fin:
-          # This value is not emitted, but lets us yield a single empty
-          # chunk on an empty file.
-          chunk = b'1'
-          while chunk:
-            chunk = fin.read(self._chunk_size)
-            yield beam_artifact_api_pb2.ArtifactChunk(data=chunk)
-        break
-    else:
-      raise ValueError('Unknown artifact: %s' % request.name)
-class ZipFileArtifactService(AbstractArtifactService):
-  """Stores artifacts in a zip file.
-  This is particularly useful for storing artifacts as part of an UberJar for
-  submitting to an upstream runner's cluster.
-  Writing to zip files requires Python 3.6+.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, path, internal_root, chunk_size=None):
-    if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
-      raise RuntimeError(
-          'Writing to zip files requires Python 3.6+, '
-          'but current version is %s' % sys.version)
-    super(ZipFileArtifactService, self).__init__(internal_root, chunk_size)
-    self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'a')
-    self._lock = threading.Lock()
-  def _join(self, *args):
-    # type: (*str) -> str
-    return '/'.join(args)
-  def _dirname(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
-  def _temp_path(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return path  # ZipFile offers no move operation.
-  def _rename(self, src, dest):
-    # type: (str, str) -> None
-    assert src == dest
-  def _delete(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> None
-    # ZipFile offers no delete operation: https://bugs.python.org/issue6818
-    pass
-  def _open(self, path, mode):
-    if path.startswith('/'):
-      raise ValueError(
-          'ZIP file entry %s invalid: '
-          'path must not contain a leading slash.' % path)
-    return self._zipfile.open(path, mode, force_zip64=True)
-  def PutArtifact(self, request_iterator, context=None):
-    # ZipFile only supports one writable channel at a time.
-    with self._lock:
-      return super(ZipFileArtifactService,
-                   self).PutArtifact(request_iterator, context)
-  def CommitManifest(self, request, context=None):
-    # ZipFile only supports one writable channel at a time.
-    with self._lock:
-      return super(ZipFileArtifactService,
-                   self).CommitManifest(request, context)
-  def GetManifest(self, request, context=None):
-    # ZipFile appears to not be threadsafe on some platforms.
-    with self._lock:
-      return super(ZipFileArtifactService, self).GetManifest(request, context)
-  def GetArtifact(self, request, context=None):
-    # ZipFile appears to not be threadsafe on some platforms.
-    with self._lock:
-      for chunk in super(ZipFileArtifactService, self).GetArtifact(request,
-                                                                   context):
-        yield chunk
-  def close(self):
-    self._zipfile.close()
-class BeamFilesystemArtifactService(AbstractArtifactService):
-  def _join(self, *args):
-    # type: (*str) -> str
-    return filesystems.FileSystems.join(*args)
-  def _dirname(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> str
-    return filesystems.FileSystems.split(path)[0]
-  def _rename(self, src, dest):
-    # type: (str, str) -> None
-    filesystems.FileSystems.rename([src], [dest])
-  def _delete(self, path):
-    # type: (str) -> None
-    filesystems.FileSystems.delete([path])
-  def _open(self, path, mode='r'):
-    dir = self._dirname(path)
-    if not filesystems.FileSystems.exists(dir):
-      try:
-        filesystems.FileSystems.mkdirs(dir)
-      except Exception:
-        pass
-    if 'w' in mode:
-      return filesystems.FileSystems.create(path)
-    else:
-      return filesystems.FileSystems.open(path)
-# The dependency-aware artifact staging and retrieval services.

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