Good Afternoon,

In gitlab-ce-7.13.3 and 7.13.5 when I edit a wiki page I get two different 
outcomes depending on if I view the page using "Preview" or save the page 
and view it normally and then view it.  

Consider the following link to a file in the repository which is saved as a 
page on my wiki:

[Bashrc for auto ssh key manager](git/.bashrc)

When normally viewing the page the URL I get is 
(this brings me to a "create new wiki page")
When viewing the same page using "Preview" the URL I get is 
https://[GITLAB_URL]/[GROUP_NAME]/[PROJECT_NAME]/blob/master/git/.bashrc * 
(which is correct)*.

I have this on two different installs (7.13.3 & 7.13.5) under ubuntu trusty 

This seems like a bug to me.  Is anyone else seeing this?  I did a quick 
searching of the issue tracker but I didn't see one already listed.  


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