Dear GKD Members,

Please find below a copy of the media announcement on the launch of the
East and Southern Africa Centre on International ICT Policy. Over and
above generating awareness over the Centre's launch, the announcement is
advertising the vacant posts within the Centre and is inviting
stakeholders to step forward and enter discussions with the Centre on
possible collaborations.

Looking forward to working with you on this initiative!

Best regards, 

Leonie Vlachos
senior policy associate

United States: P O Box 53099, Washington, DC 20009-9099
South Africa:  P O Box 715, Cape Town, 8000
[t] : +27.(0)21.465.9313 (GMT +02) // [f] : +27.(0)21.465.5917
[m] : +27.(0)84.426.0629 // [e] : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

- News Announcement - 
East and Southern Africa Centre on International ICT Policy (ESA CIP)
March 2004

International African-led consortium launches the East and Southern
Africa Centre for International ICT policy in Kampala, Uganda A new
Centre dedicated to increasing the capacity of East and Southern African
stakeholders to participate in international information and
communications technology (ICT) policy-making is being launched in
Kampala, Uganda in April 2004. There is wide recognition of the role
that ICT can play in poverty alleviation and socio-economic reform, and
the need for both is pressing in Africa.

The Centre is being supported during its first two years by the UK's
Department for International Development (DFID) and is currently looking
to recruit members of staff. A second Centre, serving West and Central
Africa will be launched later this year. The Centre is part of the
broader 'Catalysing Access to Information and Communications
Technologies in Africa' (CATIA) programme which aims to enable poor
people in Africa to gain the maximum benefit from the opportunities
offered by technology and to act as a strong catalyst for reform. See,

Currently, the international ICT policy-making arena is dominated by the
developed world countries, despite the fact that some of the greatest
growth in the use of ICT is in the developing world, notably in Africa.
One example, is that Africa is paying a disproportionately high price
for international telecommunications and therefore needs a louder, more
informed voice in the various international fora where these and other
issues that impact on African society at all levels are discussed. The
Centre aims to redress the balance by helping to shape African thinking
and increase coordination and participation between the countries in the

The African Bridge Consortium has been tasked with establishing and
managing the Centre prior to the appointment of Centre's Executive
Director, and to supporting the Centre's work during the first two
years., Enablis, Makerere University Faculty of Law
(MUKLAW), the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law
School form the African Bridge Consortium. Each member brings
significant expertise in international and regional ICT policy and
processes, as well as the appropriate ground-level experience to create
a Centre that will deliver on its mission to increase Africa's voice.
The Consortium members are committed to promoting the use of ICT for
poverty reduction across Africa including by helping to remove the
international, regional, and national policy obstacles that stand in the
way. The Centre will be located in the new Institute of Computer Science
building at Makerere University in Kampala.

The African Bridge Consortium welcome applications for the positions of
Executive Director and Policy Research Associate at the Centre, more
details can be found at <> and
at <>. Partnerships have already been established
with leading organisations and individuals in the region, and a call is
being extended to invite additional potential partners that have not yet
been identified to step forward and take part in this ICT capacity
building initiative that will support African nations in the years and
help them to address some of the most pressing challenges that they

Ewan McPhie 
Policy Director, 
Telephone: +27 21 465-9313 
Fax: +27 21 465-5917

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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