A world of agri info... on a CD 

LEISA arrived today with a bit of a bulge, and my guess was not wrong...
it was a CD. One of the mags which I find rather interesting in the
field of agriculture gave me a pleasant surprise. It included the entire
archives of its articles, covering a period of virtually two decades --
from 1984 to 2003.

What's more, I found the note on the back of the CD encouraging: "ILEIA
encourages readers to copy and circulate articles. Please acknowledge
LEISA Magazine and send us a copy of your publication." Just goes to
show what an attitude favouring the free-sharing of knowledge and
information can achieve.

But let's get to basics first. LEISA isn't just *any* magazine on
agriculture. It's focus is specifically on *low external input and
sustainable agriculture*. Hence its name.

Whatever funding organisations and the Western development mind-set
might be critiqued for, this magazine's approach seems relevant to large
parts of the planet. So, naturally, one waits for it whenever it shows
up in the post. Inspite of the fact that this writer has no specialist
knowledge in agriculture....

The CD itself covers vast ground. In an easy-to-browse format, which can
be accessed by (m)any web-browsers, this CD includes a volume index,
author index and topic index. Clicking on the 'topic index' takes you to
scores of articles related to themes like agro-biodiversity,
agroforestry, animal husbandry, biotechnology, communication and
learning, crop management, farming systems, food security, gender,
indigenous knowledge, pest management, policy and advocacy, resources,
soil-fertility, sustainability, trade and marketing and water

Interesting stuff.

The next question: how does one replicate copies of this CD and share it
among those who could benefit from the knowledge it contains? If you
have any ideas, do get in touch...

TO GET TO KNOW more about LEISA, visit its website at
http://www.ileia.org Email ileia at ileia.nl  LEISA India: amebang at
giasbg01.vsnl.net.in (AME, Bangalore). Local organisations and
individuals in the South (Third World) can receive the magazine free of
charge on request. Write to subscriptions at ileia.nl

      April 2004         | Frederick Noronha, Freelance Journalist
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