Dear GKD Members,

List Members have often discussed the importance of cyber-security as a
key element of using ICT for development. Cyber-Security is essential
for developing countries to engage in e-commerce and actively join the
global economy. It is crucial to providing reliable access and online
services in education, health and other areas. It protects users from
criminal online activity.

Yet crucial questions arise in establishing cyber-security. How can we
set up measures to secure financial transactions while preserving
freedom of access? How do we provide law enforcement with information
they need, while preventing government's use of information in ways that
infringe on human rights?

We ask GKD members to tackle these and other thorny questions as part of
a four-week focus on Cyber-Security and International Development,
beginning 20 September 2004. This focused discussion follows on a
DOT-COM/InterAction Speaker Series session, "Cyber-Security Issues in
International Development Environments" (16 September 2004) and is
sponsored by the DOT-COM Alliance.

The aim of the focused discussion is to:

* Examine the impact of cyber-security on international development,
   e.g., economic growth, government services, opportunities for private
* Identify concrete policies, strategies, and tools that counter threats
   to cyber-security for developing countries
* Share cases, success stories, failures, and lessons learned
* Learn about partnerships that help meet the challenge of establishing
* Develop recommendations for governments, donors, businesses, and NGOs

A White Paper citing the cases, projects, experiences, and
recommendations presented by GKD members will be widely circulated
throughout the development community.

The discussion agenda will focus on four themes:

* Week 1: Cyber-security and Human Rights (9/20 - 9/24)
* Week 2: Cyber-security and E-commerce (9/27 - 10/1)
* Week 3: Legal Infrastructure and Cyber-terrorism (10/4 - 10/8)
* Week 4: New Threats...and Security Measures...On the Horizon (10/11 -


The DOT-COM Alliance website provides information about GKD's
Cyber-Security discussion, the DOT-COM/Interaction Speaker Series, and
other projects using ICT to support development:
The DOT-COM Archive of this discussion (as of September 20th) is
available at: 

More information about the InterAction ICT Initiative can be obtained

The GKD database provides an easy way to search messages of this and
other GKD discussions: 

For further information, please contact: 

Barbara Fillip 

Brian King 

Janice Brodman 

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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