Dear Friends,

Forwarding the following for those who're interested in and working on open
content. They can share their experiences and ideas.

Kanti Kumar

-----Original Message-----
From:  Peter Ballantyne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:01 AM
Subject:  Supporting Local Development Content

For several years now, there has been talk of the need to focus our
'development with ICTs' efforts on ways to encourage and support 'local
content.' Thus, the report of the DOT Force points to local content
development and dissemination as critical to the local appropriation of
ICTs for development purposes. But it gives little insight into exactly
what content, for what purposes, and with what expected development
impacts.  Nor does it indicate how exactly the processes of local
content creation, adaptation, and sharing can best be supported. As an
input to the work of the Digital Opportunities Taskforce (DOT Force),
IICD is working with DFID, OneWorld and other partners to identify and
document how local organisations and communities in developing countries
are using ICTs to create, adapt, and exchange local content. We are
looking for examples and cases as well as insights into critical success
and support factors. We will provide a short report to DFID on these
issues by the end of March 2002.
Brief information about the project is available on the web at:

But we need your help. By:
* Sharing your experiences and ideas regarding what is meant by 'local
content' and how it can be propagated.
* Requesting and completing a form describing how you are generating,
adapting, or exchanging a particular type of local content.
Case study forms can be requested from me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Forwarding this message to any local contacts or partners who are
doing interesting things with local content.
* Suggesting who we can contact to solicit further case experiences and

If there is sufficient demand, we will bring the various discussants of
these issues together in an online workspace to avoid inconveniencing
people not directly interested in this issue.

Looking forward to hearing from you in the coming month!

Peter Ballantyne
Team Leader, Knowledge Sharing
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) PO
Box 11586  *  2502 AN The Hague  *  The Netherlands
phone:  31 (0)70 311 7311  *  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  web:

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