[GKD] Welcome Back to the GKD Discussion!

2005-10-01 Thread Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator
Dear GKD Members,

Welcome back to the GKD discussion! We apologize for the longer than
expected hiatus of the List, due to the Moderators' extended travel
commitments. There have been several important recent developments in
the ICT for Development arena -- including some new low-cost
technologies -- which we will tackle in the coming weeks, and we look
forward to our Members' continued contributions and expertise in
assessing their relevance and value.

As you know, while GKD was on hiatus, two strong hurricanes devastated
Southern US, particularly Louisiana and Mississippi. GKD moderators have
been involved with a first-responder organization to help them improve
the use of ICT in their efforts. A major lesson from this tragedy -- but
not one that is new to GKD members! -- was that technology availability
is not enough. Intercommunication among the various relief agencies must
be well planned and effectively implemented on the ground.

We will be sending a message regarding some initiatives related to
disaster first-response that would greatly benefit from GKD members'
expertise and experience. Meanwhile, we would like to get input from our
Knowledge Management experts on GKD as to how fiascos like this can be
avoided in the future, e.g., through better database structures and more
innovative ways of networking under very trying conditions. In this
case, lessons from developing countries can provide very valuable
lessons for the US.

The GKD Moderators

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Re: [GKD] Welcome Back to the GKD Discussion!

2001-09-12 Thread John Lawrence

I'm really glad to see the return of this forum... as an inaugural
addict, I've been in withdrawal. Rather than suppose (or impose) a theme,
my contribution is a quick question:

the world's mountain regions contain some of the most remote, and
poorest communities, often with profound natural (not to mention
spiritual) resources, and Chapter 13 of Agenda 21 singles them out for
special focus in terms of conservation, sustainability and poverty
reduction. yet these regions remain on or outside the edges of the
communications revolution.so,  is anyone aware of specific public
and/or private sector  initiatives to bridge these gaps ... after all
laptops/cellphones have functioned effectively for (relatively) wealthy
climbers and sportsters on Mt Everest so links are potentially
achievable. does this technology penetrate positively into mountain
communities anywhere? and is it welcome? productive in improving the
quality of life?

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] Welcome Back to the GKD Discussion!

2001-09-10 Thread Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator

Dear GKD Members,

Welcome back to the GKD List! We hope you all had an enjoyable summer.
We look forward to resuming our vibrant GKD discussion, and hearing from
you regarding your experiences using ICTs for Sustainable Development.
GKD membership continues to grow (currently 2500+ members in over 100
countries). We welcome suggestions for particular themes for discussion
as well as your ideas for making GKD an increasingly valuable resource.

We will soon begin establishing a database of the GKD archives. We will
send you proposed categories for the database, which will facilitate
searching the archives, and will welcome your input.

Many thanks for your valuable contributions to GKD.

Warm regards,

The GKD Moderators

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at: