Re: [GKD] Wireless Network May Replace Phones Altogether

2004-01-10 Thread Peter Burgess
Dear Colleagues

The idea that a wire communications paradigm established 100 years ago
should be so powerful now is really quite ridiculous and shows how
financial clout and political power can dramatically constrain progress.
I was delighted to read the posting about the possibilities of the
wireless technology (802.nna) and will collaborate all I can.

I am optimistic that modern technology has cost characteristics that
make mass distribution financially more attractive than elitist low
volume marketing. If that characteristic is exploited it will spell real
trouble for the established incumbent telecoms . and about time too.
They have been living on borrowed time for a long time now, so good

But there has to be thinking about security issues and identification
problems. Again technology can help if we allow it. And again laws and
regulation may well get in the way of best technological practice.



Peter Burgess

Peter Burgess
ATCnet in New York
Tel: 212 772 6918 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for secure messages

In a message dated 12/10/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Some interesting information for your review and evaluation:
> a) $3-5 a week
> b) no phone bill
> c) free 710Kbit dedicated Internet access
> d) free video conferencing
> e) free mobile phone calls
> f) free instant messengers
> g) free SMS, free MMS
> h) more
> Too good to be true?
> Read on...

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[GKD] Wireless Network May Replace Phones Altogether

2003-12-10 Thread Robin Good
Some interesting information for your review and evaluation:

a) $3-5 a week

b) no phone bill

c) free 710Kbit dedicated Internet access

d) free video conferencing

e) free mobile phone calls

f) free instant messengers

g) free SMS, free MMS

h) more

Too good to be true?

Read on...

"New developments in wireless technology have presented communities with
an opportunity to banish the phone bill forever and replace it with a
flat rate fee of between £2 - £3 per week. The system uses the new
wireless networking cards (802.16) and modified routers from which puts deployment costs at £500 per node."

According to MarkMcCarron of Free the time, technology and
economics have arrived to make it possible for any sufficient number of
us to create our own independent telephone system and to be free from
telecom providers and monthly phone bills forever.

Inspired by a project dedicated to create a 4G mobile network that would
be owned by a charity and which would not be using any present-day
mobile phone technology Mark McCarron goes on to outline what we have
only dreamed until now.

Though the Roamfree site is still under development people are invited
to start contributing and posting their articles and comments to this
revolutionary ideas.

Here is an excerpted outline of the main key points supporting this
breakthrough approach to voice communications:

The backbone would operate on the 802.16 standard capable of a
throughput of 70Mbits at a range of 30Km. This means that as that 4
nodes can provide a coverage of 900 sq km (30Km x 30Km grid).

The island of Ireland is 84,288 sq km (32,544 sq. mi.) Ireland's
greatest length is 485 km (302 miles) and it is 304 km (189 miles) at
its widest point.

To provide a single 70Mbit backbone for Ireland, 94 routers are required
at a cost of £47,000.

To provide a 10Gbit backbone of 142 10Gbit 'lines', that would take
13,429 routers at a cost of £6,714,786 (unit cost £500).

Ireland has about 4.5 million residents, so that equates to around £1.50
per citizen to purchase outright.

2 million subscribers paying £1 per week would generate £104 million a

This would allow a backbone of 154Gbits (142, 154Gbit lines) capable of
effectively delivering, under 100% loading, 710Kbits (over twice as fast
as BT broadband) throughput to each of the 2 million connections of
network/internet access.

This can also be bought each year!

After 5 years there would be 770Gbits providing, at 100% loading,
3.55Mbit guaranteed minimum.

McCarron goes on to painting a too-good-to-be-true scenario of the
fall-off benefits in terms of potential jobs and additional financial
gains that could be obtained by following this revolutionary approach to
both business and private phone communications.

For whatever amount of good truth there is in this piece, it is time we
start to look more seriously at these options and start aggregating
resources and minds that would facilitate the widespread use and
adoption of these technologies for the benefit of everyone.

Thanks Mark for bringing this information out in the open for all of us!
Merry Christmas back to you.

Full story here: No more phone bills, ever, thanks to wireless By Mark
McCarron, December 7th 2003,

Full story with embedded links at:


Robin Good

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