On 11/17/04, Tom Abeles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I would like to see is WRI's projection on the resources of the
> world with its increasing success in this approach to poverty
> alleviation even with increased efficiency and maximum recycling.

Tom Abeles raises the question of resource use if development succeeds.
I don't want to get into that issue, although I think it is clear that
the choice of whether and how to develop lies with individual countries
and peoples, not with anyone else. But ICT is quite powerful in its
ability to make possible livelihoods and economies based on knowledge
(an infinite resource) rather than on natural resources, and to enable
access to information and education that can help people make more
sustainable choices.

Allen L. Hammond
Vice President for Innovation & Special Projects
World Resources Institute
10 G Street NE
Washington, DC 20002  USA
V (202) 729-7777 
F (202) 729-7775

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