Dear GKD Members,

I have just been invited by my country's Commission on ICT to a
multi-stakeholder workshop on Broadband Deployment Plan and Strategy for
the Philippines. It is, I think, the first effort of its kind here, and
will gather all stakeholders and spend a day and a half discussing
(debating) about the topic... (telcos/celcos; carriers, ISPs,
regulators, policy planners, satellite service providers...I think
having civil society on board on a discussion like this will also be a

I have been asked to speak for 15-20 mins on the topic "Broadband
Anyone?: The users' perspective"...I have a few things in mind to say,
but I am not fully comfortable with the topic yet as telco policy is
something we are just getting into.

I thought it would be great if those who have perspectives and thoughts
on the area, specifically from a civil society perspective, contribute
to my presentation by emailing me (privately if you prefer) any things
you think should be in the presentation: e.g., guiding principles;
considerations; possible strategies--even tips on how to present this to
the mixed group I will be speaking to...

Any materials you may also want to recommend for me to read (those not
too long pls :-) are also welcome... I have too much work this week to
do full background data-gathering, but any leads to what you think are
important and strategic perspectives are welcome.

The workshop is on Monday the 24th, so would appreciate getting some
comments in the next 3 days (till Thursday the 20th)...

Thanks in advance.

Al Alegre
Foundation for Media Alternatives

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