The DOT-COM Alliance and the InterAction Information and Communications
Technology Group invite you attend an ICT Speaker Series Event

"Connectivity in Low Resource Environments"

Speakers: Dr. Michael Best, MIT Media Lab; Dipak Basu, NetHope/Cisco;
George Scharffenberger, Voxiva; Bob Bortner, Greenstar.  This session
will be moderated by Dr. Dennis Foote, AED.

Wednesday, September 24, 4-6pm
Academy for Educational Development Conference Center
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC  20009


When you deploy to the field, how do you effectively use technology when
the infrastructure for it barely exists? What are the connectivity
challenges in using technology in low resource environments? What tools
are used in providing connectivity in the field?  What are the
innovations to be aware of?  And what connectivity solutions have others
successfully implemented?

An esteemed panel of speakers from NGO, academic and corporate
environments will present their views on different connectivity
challenges and approaches to overcoming them, using real world examples,
for the many different connectivity challenges facing NGOs using ICTs in
low resource environments. A discussion will immediately follow the
presentations, and a discussion list will be established for continued


DR. DENNIS FOOTE (Moderator)
Vice President, The Academy for Educational Development
Program Director, dot-ORG

Research Scientist, MIT Media Laboratory

Executive Director, NetHope     
Senior Manager, Customer Program Management Office, Cisco Systems

Project Co-ordinator, Greenstar South Africa, Greenstar Brasil

Vice President International, Voxiva


A discussion will immediately follow the presentations, and a discussion
list will be established for continued discussion. Participants will
have the opportunity to share their experiences and best practices in
this area in either or both fora. An informal reception will follow the


This event is open to the public, and we encourage you to distribute
this message to others. We look forward to your participation in this
event on September 24. RSVPs are not required but would be appreciated
and can be sent to Julie Fossler at [EMAIL PROTECTED] The
Academy for Educational Development Conference Center is located at 1825
Connecticut Avenue, NW, 8th Floor, in Washington, DC.

DOT-COM/InterAction ICT Speaker Series Background

The DOT-COM/InterAction ICT Speaker Series, funded by USAID (DOT-COM)
and the Markle Foundation (InterAction ICT Working Group), is intended
to explore ways in which Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) impact development efforts.

The main goals of the speaker series include sharing information about
innovative and effective uses of technology in development efforts,
building a community around a broad spectrum of information technology
interests, and exploring gaps and challenges to effective implementation
and use of technologies in our work.

If you have questions or comments, please email Siobhan Green,
Information and Dissemination Coordinator, DOT-COM Alliance,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Julie Fossler, ICT Manager, at

Julie Fossler
Manager, InterAction ICT Initiative
(202) 667-8227, ext. 136

InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international
development and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations.  With more
than 160 members operating in every developing country, we work to
overcome poverty, exclusion, and suffering by advancing social justice
and basic dignity for all.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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