Hi all!

I took a look (or maybe some more) at the well-known, totally buggy
Time module...

I think, I sorted out the main problems and fixed them:

  * toClockTime couldn't deal properly with anything but local
    TZ-encoded CalendarTime's (i.e. not with UTC-encoded CT's for

  * as a result, addToClockTime did weird things

  * diffClockTimes, in some situations, gave strange results, i.e. "1
    day, -22 hours" instead of "2 hours"

  * timeDiffToString always returned "c", regardless of its parameters
    [this one was really hard to find ;-)]

For the tedious details, refer to the comments in the patch for
[Time.lhs,Locale.lhs,toClockSec.c]. There's also a BUGS/TODO list with
some open issues... comments welcome!

I tested on Linux, so if someone could try the patch on a Solaris
version of GHC, it would be of greater help.

Besides normal testing and debugging, I recompiled the time001 test
and it still produced the same output, which made me wonder. So I
recompiled it with the old (broken) version of Time and tested again.

Result: running the old time001 like (Bashism ahead)

  $ env TZ=<foo> ./time001

and <foo> `elem` [CET,EST,PST8,PST8PDT,...] yields different results,
which is clearly wrong, since we're using UTC encoding. Did somebody
ever try to run time001 with a TZ /= UTC or friends? :-)

Anyway, the modified version always yields the same result, regardless
of the TZ setting, which is IMHO The Right Behaviour(tm)...

Oh, BTW: 2 remarks

1) *ahem* Hereby I state, that I really doubt, that anyone has been
   using the Time-module for longer than a couple of compilation
   runs, ever... ;-)

2) Does anybody know a mail address of the inventor(s) of the Unix
   Time Handling Functions (K&R, maybe?)? I'd like to "thank" them for
   this great stuff... I thought about a source+binary release of
   ghc-4.07, tar'ed, uuencoded and piped through hexdump, and of
   course, split into 1k-pieces, just to be sure, it gets through...

() ASCII ribbon campaign |  Chair for Computer Science  II  | GPG: F65C68CD
/\ against HTML mail     |       RWTH Aachen, Germany       | PGP: 1D0DD0B9
   Ninety percent of the time things will turn out worse than you expect.
    The other 10 percent of the time you had no right to expect so much.
diff -bur ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/Locale.lhs 
--- ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/Locale.lhs      Thu Jan 14 19:12:51 1999
+++ ghc4-4.07.20000615/ghc/lib/std/Locale.lhs   Sat Jun 17 13:49:35 2000
@@ -5,13 +5,21 @@
-module Locale(TimeLocale(..), defaultTimeLocale) where
+module Locale
+    ( TimeLocale(..)
+    , defaultTimeLocale
+    , iso8601DateFormat
+    , rfc822DateFormat
+    )
 import Prelude  -- so as to force recompilations when reqd.
 data TimeLocale = TimeLocale {
         wDays  :: [(String, String)],   -- full and abbreviated week days
         months :: [(String, String)],   -- full and abbreviated months
+        intervals :: [(String, String)],
         amPm   :: (String, String),     -- AM/PM symbols
         dateTimeFmt, dateFmt,           -- formatting strings
         timeFmt, time12Fmt :: String     
@@ -31,6 +39,15 @@
                   ("September", "Sep"), ("October",   "Oct"),
                   ("November",  "Nov"), ("December",  "Dec")],
+        intervals = [ ("year","years")
+                    , ("month", "months")
+                    , ("day","days")
+                    , ("hour","hours")
+                    , ("min","mins")
+                    , ("sec","secs")
+                    , ("usec","usecs")
+                    ],
         amPm = ("AM", "PM"),
         dateTimeFmt = "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y",
         dateFmt = "%m/%d/%y",
@@ -38,4 +55,14 @@
         time12Fmt = "%I:%M:%S %p"
+iso8601DateFormat :: Maybe String -> String
+iso8601DateFormat timeFmt =
+    "%Y-%m-%d" ++ case timeFmt of
+             Nothing  -> "" -- normally, ISO-8601 just defines YYYY-MM-DD
+             Just fmt -> ' ' : fmt -- but we can add a time spec
+rfc822DateFormat :: String
+rfc822DateFormat = "%a, %_d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
diff -bur ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/Time.lhs 
--- ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/Time.lhs        Thu May  4 19:03:16 2000
+++ ghc4-4.07.20000615/ghc/lib/std/Time.lhs     Sat Jun 17 16:23:19 2000
@@ -8,6 +8,109 @@
 "time.h",  adapted to the Haskell environment), It follows RFC 1129 in
 its use of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+2000/06/17 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
+  * `toClockTime' previously didn't honor the `tz' field of a
+    `CalendarTime', which led to time warping when applying
+      => (toUTCTime (toClockTime ... (toUTCTime (toClockTime someTime) ... )))
+    continuously.
+    Now it accepts at least <local>- and UTC-encoded `CalendarTime's
+    (TODO: test, whether all timezones work) and converts them
+    correctly to <secs from epoch>-format (which is always UTC, as one
+    might have guessed).
+  * `addToClockTime' now works.
+    Previously, `tz' seconds were added(!) when used like:
+      => addToClockTime noTimeDiff someTime
+    which is clearly wrong.
+    Now, the following (hopefully) always holds
+      => someTime == (addToClockTime noTimeDiff someTime)
+  * `diffClockTimes' works correctly, and is the dual to 
+    `addToClockTime', i.e.
+      => diff == ((addToClockTime diff someTime) `diffClockTimes` someTime)
+    should now hold for all diff, someTime
+    Previously, it reports ugly diffs at {min,hour,day,...}-breaks,
+    for example:
+      => "2000/06/18 01:00 UTC" 
+            `diffClockTimes` "2000/06/17 23:00 UTC" == 1 day, -22 hours
+    whereas now it emits "7200 secs". This number can be converted
+    with `normalizeTimeDiff' to "2 hours".
+  * added `normalizeTimeDiff', which calculates year, month, days,
+    etc. out of an unnormalized `TimeDiff' (generated by
+    `diffClockTimes', for example)
+  * `formatTimeDiff': added the missing "%c" case. The
+    format is proprietary, though... Is there a nicer one?
+  * min./max. time diff currently is restricted to
+    [minBound::Int, maxBound::Int]
+  * surely other restrictions wrt. min/max bounds
+  * printing times
+    `showTime' (used in `instance Show ClockTime') always prints time
+    converted to the local timezone (even if it is taken from
+    `(toClockTime . toUTCTime)'), whereas `calendarTimeToString'
+    honors the tzone & tz fields and prints UTC or whatever timezone
+    is stored inside CalendarTime.
+    Maybe `showTime' should be changed to use UTC, since it would
+    better correspond to the actual representation of `ClockTime'
+    (can be done by replacing localtime(3) by gmtime(3)).
+  * obvious bugs now should be fixed, but there are surely more (and
+    less obvious one's) lurking around :-}
+  * gettimeofday(2) returns secs and _microsecs_, not pico-secs!
+    this should be changed accordingly (also means updating the H98
+    report)
+  * add proper handling of microsecs, currently, they're mostly
+    ignored
+  * `formatFOO' case of `%s' is currently broken...
+  * check for unusual date cases, like 1970/1/1 00:00h, and conversions
+    between different timezone's etc.
+  * check, what needs to be in the IO monad, the current situation
+    seems to be a bit inconsistent to me
+  * sync #ifdef'ed __HUGS__ parts with current changes (only few)
+  * check whether `isDst = -1' works as expected on other arch's
+    (Solaris anyone?)
+  * add functions to parse strings to `CalendarTime' (some day...)
+  * implement padding capabilities ("%_", "%-") in `formatFOO'
+  * add rfc822 timezone (+0200 is CEST) representation ("%z") in `formatFOO'
 {-# OPTIONS -#include "cbits/timezone.h" -#include "cbits/stgio.h"  #-}
 module Time 
@@ -23,6 +126,7 @@
      ,  diffClockTimes
      ,  addToClockTime
+     ,  normalizeTimeDiff -- non-standard
      ,  timeDiffToString  -- non-standard
      ,  formatTimeDiff    -- non-standard
@@ -255,7 +359,7 @@
          sec_diff = fromInt sec + 60 * fromInt min + 3600 * fromInt hour + 24 * 3600 
* fromInt day
          cal      = toUTCTime (TOD (c_sec + sec_diff) (c_psec + psec))
+                                                       -- FIXME! ^^^^
           new_mon  = fromEnum (ctMonth cal) + r_mon 
          (month', yr_diff)
            | new_mon < 0  = (toEnum (12 + new_mon), (-1))
@@ -269,18 +373,51 @@
        toClockTime cal{ctMonth=month', ctYear=year'}
 diffClockTimes  :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff
-diffClockTimes tod_a tod_b =
+-- diffClockTimes is meant to be the dual to `addToClockTime'.
+-- If you want to have the TimeDiff properly splitted, use
+-- `normalizeTimeDiff' on this function's result
+-- CAVEAT: see comment of normalizeTimeDiff
+diffClockTimes (TOD sa pa) (TOD sb pb) =
+    noTimeDiff{ tdSec     = fromIntegral (sa - sb) 
+                -- FIXME: can handle just 68 years...
+              , tdPicosec = pa - pb
+              }
+normalizeTimeDiff :: TimeDiff -> TimeDiff
+-- FIXME: handle psecs properly
+-- FIXME: ?should be called by formatTimeDiff automagically?
+-- when applied to something coming out of `diffClockTimes', you loose
+-- the duality to `addToClockTime', since a year does not always have
+-- 365 days, etc.
+-- apply this function as late as possible to prevent those "rounding"
+-- errors
+normalizeTimeDiff td =
-   CalendarTime year_a mon_a day_a hour_a min_a sec_a psec_a _ _ _ _ _ = toUTCTime 
-   CalendarTime year_b mon_b day_b hour_b min_b sec_b psec_b _ _ _ _ _ = toUTCTime 
+      rest0 = tdSec td 
+               + 60 * (tdMin td 
+                    + 60 * (tdHour td 
+                         + 24 * (tdDay td 
+                              + 30 * (tdMonth td 
+                                   + 365 * tdYear td))))
+      (diffYears,  rest1)    = rest0 `quotRem` (365 * 24 * 3600)
+      (diffMonths, rest2)    = rest1 `quotRem` (30 * 24 * 3600)
+      (diffDays,   rest3)    = rest2 `quotRem` (24 * 3600)
+      (diffHours,  rest4)    = rest3 `quotRem` 3600
+      (diffMins,   diffSecs) = rest4 `quotRem` 60
-  TimeDiff (year_a - year_b) 
-          (fromEnum mon_a  - fromEnum mon_b) 
-          (day_a  - day_b)
-          (hour_a - hour_b)
-          (min_a  - min_b)
-          (sec_a  - sec_b)
-          (psec_a - psec_b)
+      td{ tdYear = diffYears
+        , tdMonth = diffMonths
+        , tdDay   = diffDays
+        , tdHour  = diffHours
+        , tdMin   = diffMins
+        , tdSec   = diffSecs
+        }
 @toCalendarTime@ {\em t} converts {\em t} to a local time, modified by
@@ -354,6 +491,7 @@
      isDst = if isdst then (1::Int) else 0
 toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime
 toCalendarTime (TOD (S# i) psec) 
@@ -421,7 +559,7 @@
         unsafePerformIO ( do
            res <- malloc1
-           rc  <- toClockSec year (fromEnum mon) mday hour min sec isDst res
+           rc  <- toClockSec year (fromEnum mon) mday hour min sec tz isDst res
             if rc /= 0
              then do
               i <- cvtUnsigned res
@@ -429,7 +567,12 @@
             else error "Time.toClockTime: can't perform conversion"
-     isDst = if isdst then (1::Int) else 0
+     -- `isDst' causes the date to be wrong by one hour...
+     -- FIXME: check, whether this works on other arch's than Linux, too...
+     -- 
+     -- so we set it to (-1) (means `unknown') and let `mktime' determine
+     -- the real value...
+     isDst = -1     -- if isdst then (1::Int) else 0
@@ -468,7 +611,9 @@
 formatCalendarTime l fmt (CalendarTime year mon day hour min sec _
                                        wday yday tzname _ _) =
         doFmt fmt
-  where doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs
+  where doFmt ('%':'-':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented
+        doFmt ('%':'_':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented
+        doFmt ('%':c:cs)   = decode c ++ doFmt cs
         doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs
         doFmt "" = ""
@@ -539,10 +684,12 @@
 timeDiffToString = formatTimeDiff defaultTimeLocale "%c"
 formatTimeDiff :: TimeLocale -> String -> TimeDiff -> String
-formatTimeDiff l fmt (TimeDiff year month day hour min sec _)
+formatTimeDiff l fmt td@(TimeDiff year month day hour min sec _)
  = doFmt fmt
    doFmt ""         = ""
+   doFmt ('%':'-':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented
+   doFmt ('%':'_':cs) = doFmt ('%':cs) -- padding not implemented
    doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs
    doFmt (c:cs)     = c : doFmt cs
@@ -551,6 +698,7 @@
       'B' -> fst (months l !! fromEnum month)
       'b' -> snd (months l !! fromEnum month)
       'h' -> snd (months l !! fromEnum month)
+      'c' -> defaultTimeDiffFmt td
       'C' -> show2 (year `quot` 100)
       'D' -> doFmt "%m/%d/%y"
       'd' -> show2 day
@@ -576,6 +724,17 @@
       '%' -> "%"
       c   -> [c]
+   defaultTimeDiffFmt (TimeDiff year month day hour min sec _) =
+       foldr (\ (v,s) rest -> 
+                  (if v /= 0 
+                     then show v ++ ' ':(addS v s)
+                       ++ if null rest then "" else ", "
+                     else "") ++ rest
+             )
+             ""
+             (zip [year, month, day, hour, min, sec] (intervals l))
+   addS v s = if abs v == 1 then fst s else snd s
@@ -619,7 +778,7 @@
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "toClockSec" unsafe 
             toClockSec   :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int 
-                        -> Int -> Int -> MBytes -> IO Int
+                        -> Int -> Int -> Int -> MBytes -> IO Int
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getClockTime"  unsafe 
            primGetClockTime :: MutableByteArray RealWorld Int
diff -bur ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h 
--- ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h   Thu Jun 15 20:54:27 2000
+++ ghc4-4.07.20000615/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h        Sat Jun 17 01:49:54 2000
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 StgInt prim_toUTCTime ( StgInt64,StgByteArray );
 /* toClockSec.c */
-StgInt toClockSec (StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, 
+StgInt toClockSec (StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, StgInt, 
 /* writeError.c */
 StgAddr addrOf_ErrorHdrHook(void);
diff -bur ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/cbits/toClockSec.c 
--- ghc4-4.07.20000615.orig/ghc/lib/std/cbits/toClockSec.c      Mon Dec  6 22:34:02 
+++ ghc4-4.07.20000615/ghc/lib/std/cbits/toClockSec.c   Sat Jun 17 13:09:36 2000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "timezone.h"
-toClockSec(I_ year, I_ mon, I_ mday, I_ hour, I_ min, I_ sec, I_ isdst, StgByteArray 
+toClockSec(I_ year, I_ mon, I_ mday, I_ hour, I_ min, I_ sec, I_ tz, I_ isdst, 
+StgByteArray res)
     struct tm tm;
     time_t t;
@@ -33,7 +33,18 @@
     if (t == (time_t) -1)
        return 0;
-    *(time_t *)res = t;
+    /*
+     * mktime expects its argument to be in the local timezone, but
+     * toUTCTime makes UTC-encoded CalendarTime's ...
+     *
+     * Since there is no any_tz_struct_tm-to-time_t conversion
+     * function, we have to fake one... :-) If not in all, it works in
+     * most cases (before, it was the other way round...)
+     *
+     * Luckily, mktime tells us, what it *thinks* the timezone is, so,
+     * to compensate, we add the timezone difference to mktime's
+     * result.
+     */
+    *(time_t *)res = t + tz - GMTOFF(&tm);
     return 1;

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