If I do the following ...

$ tar xvfi ../ghc-5.02.1-src-1.tar
$ tar xvfi ../happy-1.11-src.tar
$ cd ghc-5.02.1
$ cp -r ../happy-1.11/happy .
$ echo "prefix = /home/dorr/func/haskell/installs" >mk/build.mk
$ ./configure
$ cd ghc/rts/gmp
$ ./configure
$ cd -
$ cd ghc
$ ./configure   # not sure this is needed, it's run via make again
$ cd -
$ make
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- x
   [-> remove ld -x options in mk/target.mk per posting on buglist]
   [-> remove ld -x options in ghc/lib/std/Makefile]

$ make
$ make install
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/ghc'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs'
===fptools== Recursively making `install' in lang concurrent posix util data text net 
hssource tools ...
PWD = /home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs
==fptools== make install -wr;
 in /home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs/lang
===fptools== Recursively making `install' in cbits ...
PWD = /home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs/lang
==fptools== make install --no-print-directory -r;
 in /home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs/lang/cbits
mkdir /home/dorr/func/haskell/installs/lib/ghc-5.02.1
mkdir: Failed to make directory "/home/dorr/func/haskell/installs/lib/ghc-5.02.1"; 
File exists
make[3]: *** [install] Error 2
make[2]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dorr/func/haskell/sources/ghc-5.02.1/hslibs'
make: *** [install] Error 1
$ uname -a
SunOS anasazi 5.7 Generic_106541-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

For some reason the library sub-directories are set differentlly for ghc and hslibs.
The ghc install put its compiler object as the name the hslib install tries to use as
a directory.  Maybe version.mk was not found.

What did I screw up in my minimalistic compile attempt?


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