Hi Baltasar,

maybe it's GHC's inliner. See


and the "russel" example is similar enough to yours. (I have not checked, though.)

I apologize, again, for the wrong spelling, It must be "Russell" with two "l"!

Cheers Christian

Baltasar Trancon y Widemann wrote:

I have found a three-line program that will cause recent GHC type checker to diverge. The program is admittedly pathological, so here's the story:

As part of my PhD thesis I am investigating a backend virtual machine for functional programs where

  * beta reduction is explicit,
  * consequently, (->) is a free type constructor that can be mixed with
    (*) and (+) in arbitrary mutual recursion.

In such a system, is possible to define a well-typed, effective Y combinator. Of course, the reduction strategy has to be hand-coded explicitly. Since the lazy strategy is not the worst choice, I tried to abuse the Haskell type system for an experiment:

y f = w w
  where w x = f (x x)

This is, naturally, rejected by the type checker because of recursive type equations of the form:

t = t -> u

But one can put a datatype constructor in between:

newtype Auto a = { self :: Auto a -> a }
y f = self w w
  where w = Auto (\x -> f (self x x))

Sadly, I cannot load this program into GHCi or compile it with GHC. HUGS (as of November 2003) has no such problem, and computes the factorial function:

let fac f x = if x == 0 then 1 else x * f (x - 1)
 in y fac 10

Technical details:

  x86 PC with AMD Athlon XP CPU
  SuSE 9.0 Linux with kernel 2.6.10

  also observed for 6.4 on a different machine

The log of `ghc -v -C Ups.hs` is attached. The compiler hangs after the

*** Simplify:

line, slowly consuming unbounded amounts of heap (presumably due to a divergent type unification). The last two log lines are issued only after a ^C signal. If 'newtype' is replaced by 'data', one more line of statistics

    Result size = 17

is issued before the compiler hangs, too.


Baltasar Trancon y Widemann


module Ups where

-- y f = w w where w x = f (x x)

newtype Auto a = Auto {self :: Auto a -> a}
y f = self w w
  where w = Auto (\x -> f (self x x))


Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 6.2.2, for Haskell 98, compiled by GHC 
version 5.04.3
Using package config file: /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/package.conf

==================== Packages ====================
   {name = "data",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/data"],
    source_dirs = [],
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    hs_libraries = ["HSdata"],
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    c_includes = [],
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    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
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    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "rts",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = [],
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    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSrts"],
    extra_libraries = ["m", "gmp", "dl"],
    include_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/include"],
    c_includes = ["Stg.h"],
    package_deps = [],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts =
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "base",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSbase"],
    extra_libraries = ["HSbase_cbits"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsBase.h"],
    package_deps = ["rts"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "haskell98",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HShaskell98"],
    extra_libraries = [],
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    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
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    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "haskell-src",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HShaskell-src"],
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    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "network",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSnetwork"],
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   {name = "parsec",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSparsec"],
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    include_dirs = [],
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    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "QuickCheck",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSQuickCheck"],
    extra_libraries = [],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = [],
    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "readline",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSreadline"],
    extra_libraries = ["readline", "ncurses"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsReadline.h"],
    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "unix",
    auto = True,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/imports"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSunix"],
    extra_libraries = ["HSunix_cbits", "dl"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsUnix.h"],
    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "lang",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/lang"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSlang"],
    extra_libraries = ["HSlang_cbits"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsLang.h"],
    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "concurrent",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs =
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSconcurrent"],
    extra_libraries = [],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = [],
    package_deps = ["base"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "posix",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/posix"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSposix"],
    extra_libraries = ["HSposix_cbits", "dl"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsPosix.h"],
    package_deps = ["lang", "unix"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "util",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/util"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSutil"],
    extra_libraries = ["HSutil_cbits"],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = ["HsUtil.h"],
    package_deps =
      ["lang", "concurrent", "QuickCheck", "readline", "posix"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "text",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/text"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HStext"],
    extra_libraries = [],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = [],
    package_deps = ["lang", "parsec"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "net",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/net"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HSnet"],
    extra_libraries = [],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = [],
    package_deps = ["network"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}
   {name = "hssource",
    auto = False,
    import_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2/hslibs-imports/hssource"],
    source_dirs = [],
    library_dirs = ["/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.2.2"],
    hs_libraries = ["HShssource"],
    extra_libraries = [],
    include_dirs = [],
    c_includes = [],
    package_deps = ["haskell-src"],
    extra_ghc_opts = [],
    extra_cc_opts = [],
    extra_ld_opts = [],
    framework_dirs = [],
    extra_frameworks = []}

Hsc static flags: -static
*** Checking old interface for Ups:
*** Parser:
*** Renamer/typechecker:
*** Desugar:
    Result size = 20
*** Simplify:
*** Deleting temp files


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