bug during documentation generation?

2003-12-18 Thread Andres Loeh
Shouldn't the attached patch be applied to the file package.mk
in the GHC 6.2 build system?

I think that for the generation of the documentation the new
ghc should be used, not the old one. I got the following error
while compiling GHC 6.2 with OpenGL support, using the binary
distribution of 6.2 for Linux, which seems to not support OpenGL.

==fptools== make html - --no-print-directory -r;
 in /var/tmp/portage/ghc-6.2/work/ghc-6.2/libraries/GLUT

/opt/ghc/bin/ghc -H16m -O -Wall -fffi -Iinclude '-#include HsGLUT.h' -cpp -DCA
LLCONV=ccall -package-name GLUT -O -Rghc-timing  -package base  -package OpenGL
-split-objs-D__HADDOCK__ -E -cpp Graphics/UI/GLUT.hs -o Graphics/UI/GLUT.hs.
tmp  sed -e 's/^#.*//' Graphics/UI/GLUT.hs.tmp Graphics/UI/GLUT.raw-hs
ghc-6.2: unknown package name: OpenGL
ghc: 2877832 bytes, 2 GCs, 51232/51232 avg/max bytes residency (1 samples), 5M
 in use, 0.00 INIT (0.00 elapsed), 0.00 MUT (0.02 elapsed), 0.01 GC (0.01 elapse
d) :ghc
make[2]: *** [Graphics/UI/GLUT.raw-hs] Error 1
make[1]: *** [html] Error 1
make: *** [html] Error 1

diff -Naur ghc-6.2.orig/mk/package.mk ghc-6.2/mk/package.mk
--- ghc-6.2.orig/mk/package.mk  2003-12-17 16:26:11.0 +0100
+++ ghc-6.2/mk/package.mk   2003-12-17 16:27:21.0 +0100
@@ -237,10 +237,10 @@
 CLEAN_FILES += $(PACKAGE).haddock
 %.raw-hs : %.lhs
-   $(GHC) $(HC_OPTS) -D__HADDOCK__ -E -cpp $ -o $.tmp  sed -e 's/^#.*//' 
$.tmp $@
+   $(HC) $(HC_OPTS) -D__HADDOCK__ -E -cpp $ -o $.tmp  sed -e 's/^#.*//' 
$.tmp $@
 %.raw-hs : %.hs
-   $(GHC) $(HC_OPTS) -D__HADDOCK__ -E -cpp $ -o $.tmp  sed -e 's/^#.*//' 
$.tmp $@
+   $(HC) $(HC_OPTS) -D__HADDOCK__ -E -cpp $ -o $.tmp  sed -e 's/^#.*//' 
$.tmp $@
 install-docs :: $(HTML_DOC)
@$(INSTALL_DIR) $(datadir)/html/libraries/$(PACKAGE)
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

hGetBuf (or something related) broken for 6.2 with sockets

2003-12-18 Thread George Russell
I have just installed ghc6.2 on Linux. (I had to compile it from source because the
binaries insist on a glibc version we don't have.)
The attached module contains two functions (serverMain) and (clientMain).
clientMain opens a connection (to localhost) and sends some data along it,
then executes hFlush.
serverMain receives this data.  They should display identical data.
This should be run by (1) compiling the code using
 ghc Server.hs -c
(2) starting up ghci in this directory, twice, in separate terminal windows.
(3) in both ghci's doing
 :module Server
(4) in one ghci doing
(5) in the other ghci doing
What happens is
(a) the serverMain ghci displays Iterating several times.  This is because
hGetBuf appears to be terminating prematurely when there is still data to come
on the socket.  This is a pain (especially as I took several hours finding this
was why my program didn't work), but at least it can be worked around, and the code
in the module does this.
(b) The server module only gets part of the data.  In fact for me it comes to a stop
despite there being more data to come.  (And despite the fact that the client has
done hFlush).
I don't know any way of working around (b), so I suspect that means ghc6.2 is unusable
for us.  What a pity no development snapshot was made for 6.2 shortly before its
release, as it might have been possible for me to discover this bug in time for it
to be fixed in 6.2.(I did try to test the 6.3 development snapshot but was
grounded by the instances bug I've reported elsewhere.)
module Server where

import Char
import IO
import Random
import Monad

import Network
import GHC.IO(hPutBuf,hGetBuf)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr

maxLen = (2000 :: Int)

port = PortNumber 11394
host = localhost

writeInt :: Handle - Int - IO ()
writeInt handle i = hPutStrLn handle (show i)

readInt :: Handle - IO Int
readInt handle =
  l - hGetLine handle
  return (read l)

runClient :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
runClient ptr handle =
 (\ _ -
writeOut ptr maxLen handle
   (\ toWrite - writeOut ptr toWrite handle  
  hFlush handle

writeOut :: Ptr CChar - Int - Handle - IO ()
writeOut ptr toWrite handle =
  putStr ([++show toWrite)
  hFlush stdout
  writeInt handle toWrite
  hPutBuf handle ptr toWrite
  putStr (])
  hFlush stdout

getChars :: Handle - Ptr CChar - Int - IO ()
getChars handle ptr 0 = return ()
getChars handle ptr toRead =
  read - hGetBuf handle ptr toRead
  if (read == 0) 
error (Unexpected EOF) else return ()
  if read  toRead
 putStrLn Iterating  hFlush stdout 
getChars handle (plusPtr ptr read) (toRead - read)
 return ()

readIn :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
readIn ptr handle =
  toRead - readInt handle
  putStr ([++show toRead)
  hFlush stdout
  getChars handle ptr toRead
  putStr ]
  hFlush stdout

runServer :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
runServer ptr handle =
  readIn ptr handle
  runServer ptr handle

clientMain =
  ptr - mallocBytes maxLen
  handle - connectTo host port
  runClient ptr handle
serverMain =
  ptr - mallocBytes maxLen
  socket - listenOn port
  (handle,hostName,_) - accept socket
  runServer ptr handle
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: hGetBuf (or something related) broken for 6.2 with sockets

2003-12-18 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 07:44:58PM +0100, George Russell wrote:
 (b) The server module only gets part of the data.  In fact for me it comes 
 to a stop
 despite there being more data to come.  (And despite the fact that the 
 client has
 done hFlush).
 I don't know any way of working around (b), so I suspect that means
 ghc6.2 is unusable for us.  What a pity no development snapshot was
 made for 6.2 shortly before its release, as it might have been
 possible for me to discover this bug in time for it to be fixed in
 6.2.(I did try to test the 6.3 development snapshot but was
 grounded by the instances bug I've reported elsewhere.)

It seems to work when I change hGetBuf to hGetBufNonBlocking. The name
is a bit misleading - the action _does_ wait for some data, but it doesn't
wait for all requested bytes.

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: bug during documentation generation?

2003-12-18 Thread Sven Panne
Andres Loeh wrote:
Shouldn't the attached patch be applied to the file package.mk
in the GHC 6.2 build system? [...]
Thank for the patch, I've just applied it to the CVS version. I thought
I fixed this some time ago, but OTOH I have been building my GHC including
the OpenGL package for ages now... :-)
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list