GHC 4.04 builds bad obj with GNU 2.95 on Solaris

1999-09-10 Thread Martin Dorr (p28549)

gcc 2.95 seems to cause ghc 4.04 to build objects that cause
segmentation faults.  When I went back to gcc 2.7.2 everything worked
fine.  I also tried ghc 2.10 with gcc 2.95 and had NO problem.

A simple [main = putStr "Hello\n"]  demonstrates the effect. Something

module Main where
  import System

  main = do
 argv <- getArgs
 prog <- getProgName
 putStrLn (unwords (prog:argv))
 exitWith ExitSuccess

may show a bit more background info. Compiling it will cause the
following to be displayed after the normal module version status line:

still has jump to fast entry point:
.proc   063120
save%sp, -112, %sp
add %i0, 4, %o0
cmp %o0, %i1
bleu,a  .LL113
ld  [%i0], %l2
callstg_update_PAP, 0
ld  [%i0], %l2
callc10l_fast1, 0
add %i0, 4, %i0
still has jump to fast entry point:
.proc   063120
save%sp, -112, %sp
add %i0, 4, %o0
cmp %o0, %i1
bleu,a  .LL119
ld  [%i0], %l2
callstg_update_PAP, 0
ld  [%i0], %l2
callc10q_fast1, 0
add %i0, 4, %i0
still has jump to fast entry point:
.proc   063120
save%sp, -112, %sp
add %i0, 4, %o0
cmp %o0, %i1
bleu,a  .LL126
ld  [%i0], %l2
callstg_update_PAP, 0
ld  [%i0], %l2
callc10s_fast1, 0
add %i0, 4, %i0


PS: I was trying to find a related problem report on the bugs mailing
list archive.  I find it hard to locate related info through trial and
error guessing from the subject lines only. Is there a good way to
search the complete data base for text strings?

Message repeats: Alleged WinTel v4.03 bugs?

1999-09-10 Thread Alex Ferguson

I wrote:
> Two oddities I've noticed with ghc-4.03, win+cygnus binary build:
> The -ansi flag makes gcc go berserk on the generated code.  I stopped.
> 'getEnv "PATH"' returns, not the value of PATH, but the whole environment.
> Which is also handy, but not what I understood the report to specify,
> and not what ghc-4.02 does on this 'ere Sun.

Can someone comment on (esp.) the second of these?  Is this reproducible,
is it the case _only_ on Win32, and, is it/will it be fixed in 4.04,
or thereafter?  (In the meantime, I guess a work-around is fairly


confusing error message

1999-09-10 Thread Meurig Sage

ghc-4.04 gives the following confusing error message:

compiling with ghc-4.04 -fglasgow-exts -c Test.hs

None of the type variable(s) in the constraint `Eq a'
appears in the type `Set a -> Set a -> Set a'
In the type signature for `unionSets'

Compilation had errors

module Test where

unionSetB :: Eq a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
unionSetB (s1 :: Set a) s2 = unionSets s1 s2
   unionSets :: Eq a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
   unionSets a b = a

Ok, I know why this happens, because a is no longer free in unionSets
because of the pattern signature, but initially it confused me looking at it
trying to work out why a /= a.

(Incidently hugs accepts this code without any complaints)


Bug in ghc/rts/Select.c

1999-09-10 Thread George Russell

On Sparc-Solaris it is incorrect to call the select function
with a negative time value.  Nevertheless rts/Select.c does this.
I seem to have fixed the problem by stopping it decrementing the
delay field of TSO.block_info below zero at the end of the call.
Attached is the fixed version.

downloading Haskell

1999-09-10 Thread Rory Leigh


Could you help me please; I'm looking to possibly be able to download 
a Haskell compiler in as simple a way as possible (preferably without zip
-- if possible -- or if so,together with instrucs on how to use zip files
as I'm not very experienced in using it)  --- preferably to be able to
download to floppy disk initially and then to be able to transfer to my
home computer.

I did have a look at the Installation instrucs for the Glasgow Haskell
compiler homepage but still seemed to be rather complicated.

BE most grateful if you could possibly assist.
