[ ghc-Bugs-1206426 ] SHGetFolderPath link error

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1206426, was opened at 2005-05-21 23:43
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by sigbjorn
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Build System
Group: 6.4
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: SHGetFolderPath link error

Initial Comment:
Vivian McPhail

On Win9x with GHC 6.4.1

Attempting to compile Cabal

setup.exe is linked to missing export

There is a dll named ShFolder.dll which can be
downloaded from microsoft to provide this function.  I
note that libshfolder.a is also to be found in
$GHC/gcc-lib directory.

I have (manually) added "ShFolder" to extraLibraries of
Cabal in package.conf, which fixed the problem when
running GHCi.

However, when running the Cabal package setup.exe the
above error (in a dialog box) occurs.

I ran ghc with -v to see the libraries linked against,
and they included -lshfolder.

I cannot figure out what is going wrong here.  Does
shell32 say it exports the function and thus prevent
ShFolder from providing it?


>Comment By: Sigbjorn Finne (sigbjorn)
Date: 2005-08-11 10:11

Logged In: YES 

Closing this bug as I haven't heard back. The change 
suggested by the bug reporter has made its way into the 
CVS sources for Cabal (rev. 1.18 of package.conf.in). If this 
turns out not to fix the issue, let's re-open this bug.


Comment By: Sigbjorn Finne (sigbjorn)
Date: 2005-07-06 10:44

Logged In: YES 

Making that same change here gives me a setup.exe that 
isn't dependent on shell32.dll, but shfolder.dll only.

Could you provide the exact steps you're following and/or e-
mail me the final binary so that I can poke around a bit more?



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[ ghc-Bugs-1186911 ] Prologue junk?

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1186911, was opened at 2005-04-20 20:25
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonpj
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Compiler
Group: 6.4
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Summary: Prologue junk?

Initial Comment:
Compiling Omega 1.0 (from Tim Sheard's home page) 
under GHC 6.4 for Windows XP by Christopher Dutchyn 

C:\spl\Omega1.0>ghc Main.hs -prof -auto-all --make -
fglasgow-exts -package lang -fallow-undecidable-

... successful modules elided ...

Compiling LangEval ( ./LangEval.hs, ./LangEval.o )

Warning: Module `IOExts' is deprecated:
 This library will go away soon; see 
Data.Array.IO, Data.IORef, and System.IO

Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
 In the definition of `mf': mf p v = ...

Prologue junk?: .globl _LangEval_vals_entry
movl$4588, %eax


>Comment By: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Date: 2005-08-11 15:20

Logged In: YES 

No response, so closing the bug.


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-06-03 10:23

Logged In: YES 

I believe I've fixed this, though I haven't tested the fix.
 Please could you try again with a snapshot of ghc 6.4.1
generated any time after today?


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Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-1213876 ] Xlib Types Not Instances of Anything

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1213876, was opened at 2005-06-02 23:55
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonpj
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: libraries (other)
Group: 6.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Jon Cast (jcast)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Xlib Types Not Instances of Anything

Initial Comment:
The types defined by newtype in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
are not instances of any type classes.  Ptr, on the
other hand, which these types are synonyms for, is an
instance of Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data, Storable,
and several other classes not relevant to the usage of
pointers in Graphics.X11.Xlib.


>Comment By: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Date: 2005-08-11 15:15

Logged In: YES 

Ross Paterson is looking into this.


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Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-1245810 ] Random.StdGen slowness

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1245810, was opened at 2005-07-27 08:32
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonpj
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: libraries/base
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
>Priority: 3
Submitted By: Remi Turk (remit)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Random.StdGen slowness

Initial Comment:
Two (performance) problems in one:

{-# OPTIONS -fffi #-}
module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad
import Random

foreign import ccall unsafe "random" _crandom :: IO Int

randomInt :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int
randomInt (min,max) = do
n <- _crandom
return $ min + n `rem` range
range = max - min + 1

main = replicateM_ (5*10^6) $ do
x <- randomRIO (0::Int,1000) :: IO Int
x `seq` return ()
return ()

First, without the "seq" at the end, hardly anything is
evaluated and we're building huge amounts of thunks.
Three ideas about this one:
- Blame the user :)
- data StdGen = StdGen !Int !Int
  Use strict fields in StdGen. Doesn't actually help
(at least in this example).
- Force evaluation of the StdGen in getStdRandom.
  Does help in this example, but also changes behaviour
of the library:
  x <- randomRIO undefined
  currently dies only when x (or the result of a later
randomRIO) is evaluated. This change causes it to die

Second, even _with_ the "seq", replacing "randomRIO" by
"randomInt" speeds the thing up with a factor of about
30. (2 to 3.6, in a "real world" university practicum
exercise of 900 lines of code)
Even given the fact that they're not really doing the
same thing, this seems rather much :(


>Comment By: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Date: 2005-08-11 15:10

Logged In: YES 

If someone can narrow down why things speed up by a factor 
of 30, and can give us a better characterised case where 
GHC is giving bad performance, we'd be happy to investigate.


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[ ghc-Bugs-1256785 ] Recompilation check should include flags

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1256785, was opened at 2005-08-11 15:05
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Recompilation check should include flags

Initial Comment:
GHC skips recompilation of a module if the module code 
hasn't changed, even if the flags in use *have* changed.  
A benign version is that switching on -O won't recompile 
modules that were compiled without -O.  But here's a 
nastier version: changing the -main-is flag can lead to an 
obscure link error.  Details below supplied by Niels 


Actually, i reproduced it now and the reason is a bit 
different. I have an
application Test and Test2. They both have a main 
function. Test imports Test2
for some other function. So this is how those files look 

~/pancake > cat Test.hs
module Test where
import Test2 hiding (main)

main = doit

~/pancake > cat Test2.hs
module Test2 where

doit = print "Test2.doit"
main = print "Test2.main"

I then first compile the first app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test.main Test.hs
Chasing modules from: Test.hs
Compiling Test2( ./Test2.hs, ./Test2.o )
Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
Linking ...

then i compile the second app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test2.main Test2.hs
Chasing modules from: Test2.hs
Skipping  Test2( Test2.hs, Test2.o )
Linking ...
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0xe): In function 
: undefined reference to `__stginit_ZCMain'
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0x28): In 
function `main':
: undefined reference to `ZCMain_main_closure'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

So I guess generating Test2.o the first time and using -
main-is renamed the main
in Test2.o . Since it is not recompiled when I want to 
compile the second app,
it fails because it cant find the main...I thought providing 
a -main-is flag
again when compiling the second app would somehow 
force recompilation of Test2.o
or at least fixing the 'renaming' that the first compilation 
of Test2.o had 

greetings, Niels.


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Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: stdin set to nonblocking mode

2005-08-11 Thread Sigbjorn Finne

"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On 11 August 2005 01:18, John Meacham wrote:

Why do we set file descriptors to nonblocking mode anyway if they are
waited on by a select. there shouldn't be a need to use both

It avoids an extra system call per read(), i.e. a single read() instead
of select() + read().  And there's a slight chance of a race between the
select() and read() calls, if some other thread or process is reading
from the same descriptor.  With non-blocking read(), this isn't an

The overhead of the extra syscall is probably a non-issue, but the race
is mildly worrying.

The main reason for using non-blocking descriptors is that select() only
tells you that I/O is possible over a descriptor, not the amount. Hence
block read()s and writes() run the real risk of blocking the whole system.
Insisting on single byte read()/write()s is not an option ;-)


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-1251699 ] ghc- panic!

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1251699, was opened at 2005-08-04 09:03
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonmar
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
>Category: Compiler
Group: None
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Gour (ggd)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: ghc- panic!

Initial Comment:
I've pulled the latest Yi code from the darcs   
repository and tried to compile it with 'make  
way=static' using ghc- compiler.  
Here is the result:  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -i -Icbits -Imk -c Yi.hs -o Yi.o -ohi Yi.hi  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -c Main.hs -o Main.o -ohi Main.hi  
./Yi.hi :  
  Interface file inconsistency:  
home-package module `Yi.Editor' is mentioned,  
but does not appear in the dependencies of the  
ghc- panic! (the `impossible'  
happened, GHC version  
forkM Declaration for staticzumain{v}  
Please report it as a compiler bug to  
or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/.  


>Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 13:13

Logged In: YES 

Ok, I now see that you added --make to the build of Main,
and removing it makes the crash happen.

Here's what's happening:  you compiled Yi.hs with the -i
flag, which empties the search path.  So Yi.Editor is found
in the yi package, and Yi.hi records a dependency on package
yi.  All fine so far.  But when you compile Main, you didn't
use the -i flag, and Yi.Editor is now found on the search
path, so GHC considers it to be a local module rather than a
package module.  Confusion naturally ensues.

Officially this is driver error - you haven't compiled all
your modules with a consistent view of the module namespace.
 Putting Yi and Main in a separate directory will solve the

It would be nice if GHC didn't fail in such an ugly way. 
We'll look into improving it.


Comment By: Gour (ggd)
Date: 2005-08-11 13:00

Logged In: YES 

I'm on x86_64. 
Have you tried that one? 


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 12:48

Logged In: YES 

I tried to reproduce this just now and failed - the build
goes through for me with

However, from your description of the problem, I can imagine
there might be problems.  I'd still like to find out exactly
what causes the crash, though.


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 11:47

Logged In: YES 

Seems we can work around this by adding --make when compiling Main.hs
(though we shouldn't have to):

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi --make -c 
Main.hs -o Main.o
Chasing modules from: Main.hs
[ 1 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Version   ( Yi/Version.hs, Yi/Version.o )
[ 2 of 38] Compiling Yi.Undo[boot]( Yi/Undo.hs-boot, Yi/Undo.o-boot )
[ 3 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Style ( Yi/Style.hs, Yi/Style.o )
[ 4 of 38] Skipping  Yi.String( Yi/String.hs, Yi/String.o )
[37 of 38] Skipping  Yi   ( Yi.hs, Yi.o )
[38 of 38] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
-o yi-static -L/usr/local/lib  -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi 
Main.o Yi.o

Note that nothing is recompiled -- only Main.hs (though there appears to be an
unneccessary recompilation of Yi.Undo.hs-boot, btw).

The .hi file for Main.hs in fact turns out as desired:

interface Main 1 6050 where
export Main main
module dependencies: Yi
package dependencies: base-1.0 mtl-1.0 yi-0.1

despite --make chasing module depends in Yi/*

So I'm wondering if ghc is getting confused by the fact that Main depends on
things in Yi/*, but isn't supposed to actually use that directory directly for
any dependencies (it should use -package yi)?

-- Don


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 10:48


[ ghc-Bugs-1251699 ] ghc- panic!

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1251699, was opened at 2005-08-04 11:03
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ggd
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Gour (ggd)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: ghc- panic!

Initial Comment:
I've pulled the latest Yi code from the darcs   
repository and tried to compile it with 'make  
way=static' using ghc- compiler.  
Here is the result:  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -i -Icbits -Imk -c Yi.hs -o Yi.o -ohi Yi.hi  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -c Main.hs -o Main.o -ohi Main.hi  
./Yi.hi :  
  Interface file inconsistency:  
home-package module `Yi.Editor' is mentioned,  
but does not appear in the dependencies of the  
ghc- panic! (the `impossible'  
happened, GHC version  
forkM Declaration for staticzumain{v}  
Please report it as a compiler bug to  
or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/.  


>Comment By: Gour (ggd)
Date: 2005-08-11 15:00

Logged In: YES 

I'm on x86_64. 
Have you tried that one? 


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 14:48

Logged In: YES 

I tried to reproduce this just now and failed - the build
goes through for me with

However, from your description of the problem, I can imagine
there might be problems.  I'd still like to find out exactly
what causes the crash, though.


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 13:47

Logged In: YES 

Seems we can work around this by adding --make when compiling Main.hs
(though we shouldn't have to):

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi --make -c 
Main.hs -o Main.o
Chasing modules from: Main.hs
[ 1 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Version   ( Yi/Version.hs, Yi/Version.o )
[ 2 of 38] Compiling Yi.Undo[boot]( Yi/Undo.hs-boot, Yi/Undo.o-boot )
[ 3 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Style ( Yi/Style.hs, Yi/Style.o )
[ 4 of 38] Skipping  Yi.String( Yi/String.hs, Yi/String.o )
[37 of 38] Skipping  Yi   ( Yi.hs, Yi.o )
[38 of 38] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
-o yi-static -L/usr/local/lib  -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi 
Main.o Yi.o

Note that nothing is recompiled -- only Main.hs (though there appears to be an
unneccessary recompilation of Yi.Undo.hs-boot, btw).

The .hi file for Main.hs in fact turns out as desired:

interface Main 1 6050 where
export Main main
module dependencies: Yi
package dependencies: base-1.0 mtl-1.0 yi-0.1

despite --make chasing module depends in Yi/*

So I'm wondering if ghc is getting confused by the fact that Main depends on
things in Yi/*, but isn't supposed to actually use that directory directly for
any dependencies (it should use -package yi)?

-- Don


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 12:48

Logged In: YES 

I get the same result with HEAD too. It seems to have emerged in the
last few days, stable branch from July 20 builds fine.

To reproduce:
darcs get --set-scripts-executable http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/code/yi
cd yi
./configure --with-ghc=ghc-6.5
make way=static

which results in:

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -i -Icbits -Imk -c Yi.hs 
-o Yi.o -ohi Yi.hi

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -c Main.hs -o Main.o 
-ohi Main.hi

Yi.hi :
  Interface file inconsistency:
home-package module `Yi.Editor' is mentioned,
but does not appear in the depende

[ ghc-Bugs-1251699 ] ghc- panic!

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1251699, was opened at 2005-08-04 09:03
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonmar
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Gour (ggd)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: ghc- panic!

Initial Comment:
I've pulled the latest Yi code from the darcs   
repository and tried to compile it with 'make  
way=static' using ghc- compiler.  
Here is the result:  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -i -Icbits -Imk -c Yi.hs -o Yi.o -ohi Yi.hi  
ghc -Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields  
-O2 -fasm -threaded  -package-conf yi.conf  
-package yi -c Main.hs -o Main.o -ohi Main.hi  
./Yi.hi :  
  Interface file inconsistency:  
home-package module `Yi.Editor' is mentioned,  
but does not appear in the dependencies of the  
ghc- panic! (the `impossible'  
happened, GHC version  
forkM Declaration for staticzumain{v}  
Please report it as a compiler bug to  
or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/.  


>Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 12:48

Logged In: YES 

I tried to reproduce this just now and failed - the build
goes through for me with

However, from your description of the problem, I can imagine
there might be problems.  I'd still like to find out exactly
what causes the crash, though.


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 11:47

Logged In: YES 

Seems we can work around this by adding --make when compiling Main.hs
(though we shouldn't have to):

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi --make -c 
Main.hs -o Main.o
Chasing modules from: Main.hs
[ 1 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Version   ( Yi/Version.hs, Yi/Version.o )
[ 2 of 38] Compiling Yi.Undo[boot]( Yi/Undo.hs-boot, Yi/Undo.o-boot )
[ 3 of 38] Skipping  Yi.Style ( Yi/Style.hs, Yi/Style.o )
[ 4 of 38] Skipping  Yi.String( Yi/String.hs, Yi/String.o )
[37 of 38] Skipping  Yi   ( Yi.hs, Yi.o )
[38 of 38] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o )
-o yi-static -L/usr/local/lib  -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -package yi 
Main.o Yi.o

Note that nothing is recompiled -- only Main.hs (though there appears to be an
unneccessary recompilation of Yi.Undo.hs-boot, btw).

The .hi file for Main.hs in fact turns out as desired:

interface Main 1 6050 where
export Main main
module dependencies: Yi
package dependencies: base-1.0 mtl-1.0 yi-0.1

despite --make chasing module depends in Yi/*

So I'm wondering if ghc is getting confused by the fact that Main depends on
things in Yi/*, but isn't supposed to actually use that directory directly for
any dependencies (it should use -package yi)?

-- Don


Comment By: Don Stewart (dons)
Date: 2005-08-04 10:48

Logged In: YES 

I get the same result with HEAD too. It seems to have emerged in the
last few days, stable branch from July 20 builds fine.

To reproduce:
darcs get --set-scripts-executable http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/code/yi
cd yi
./configure --with-ghc=ghc-6.5
make way=static

which results in:

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -i -Icbits -Imk -c Yi.hs 
-o Yi.o -ohi Yi.hi

-Wall -Werror -Icbits -Imk -funbox-strict-fields -O2 -fasm -threaded 
-I/usr/local/include -package-conf yi.conf -package yi -c Main.hs -o Main.o 
-ohi Main.hi

Yi.hi :
  Interface file inconsistency:
home-package module `Yi.Editor' is mentioned,
but does not appear in the dependencies of the interface
ghc-6.5: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.5):
forkM Declaration for staticzumain{v}

Please report it as a compiler bug to glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org,

RE: stdin set to nonblocking mode

2005-08-11 Thread Simon Marlow
On 11 August 2005 01:18, John Meacham wrote:

> Why do we set file descriptors to nonblocking mode anyway if they are
> waited on by a select. there shouldn't be a need to use both

It avoids an extra system call per read(), i.e. a single read() instead
of select() + read().  And there's a slight chance of a race between the
select() and read() calls, if some other thread or process is reading
from the same descriptor.  With non-blocking read(), this isn't an

The overhead of the extra syscall is probably a non-issue, but the race
is mildly worrying.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

RE: Cabal on OS X; ghc segfault?

2005-08-11 Thread Simon Marlow
On 11 August 2005 04:05, Andre Pang wrote:

> On 23/07/2005, at 12:12 AM, Gregory Wright wrote:
>> I'm trying to get caballized package deployment working on Mac OS X.
>> However, trying to build a package using runhaskell results in:
>> crossroads-able> runhaskell Setup.hs configure
>> Warning: No license-file field.
>> Configuring harp-0.2...
>> configure: searching for ghc in path.
>> configure: found ghc at /opt/local/bin/ghc
>> runhaskell: waitForProcess: interrupted (Interrupted system call)
> Hi Gregory, you may be happy (I think :) to know I'm having this
> problem too on Mac OS X, so it's not just you.  So far, I've found
> that compiling Setup.hs ("ghc --make -o setup Setup.hs") and then
> running the resulting ./setup executable has never caused a problem,
> whereas I get the same waitForProcess error message that you do when
> I use runhaskell.
> It would be worthwhile seeing whether using GHCi to invoke Setup.hs
> causes a similar problem.

Hi Andre,

Greg reported that the problem was fixed in 6.4.1 GHC snapshots.  Can
you try that?

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

RE: --make and -main-is still not working together?

2005-08-11 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Ah I see now.  The underlying problem is that GHC's "no need to
recompile" check takes account of changes in the source file, but does
not take into account changes in the flags.

So it skipped recompiling Test2, but it should have recompiled it to
make the -main-is take effect.  Failing to do so gives a bad error
message, as you found.

I've filed a sourceforge bug, but I doubt we'll get to it quickly.  


| -Original Message-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Niels
| Sent: 11 August 2005 09:29
| To: glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org
| Subject: Re: --make and -main-is still not working together?
| > I can't reproduce this failure:
| >
| > ~/scratch > cat ModName/Main.hs
| > module ModName.Main where
| > main=print "hello"
| > ~/scratch > ghc -o out --make ModName/Main.hs -main-is
| > Chasing modules from: ModName/Main.hs
| > Skipping  ModName.Main ( ModName/Main.hs, ModName/Main.o )
| > Linking ...
| >
| > This is 6.4 on x86/Linux.  Is there anything I'm missing?
| Actually, i reproduced it now and the reason is a bit different. I
have an
| application Test and Test2. They both have a main function. Test
imports Test2
| for some other function. So this is how those files look like:
| ~/pancake > cat Test.hs
| module Test where
| import Test2 hiding (main)
| main = doit
| ~/pancake > cat Test2.hs
| module Test2 where
| doit = print "Test2.doit"
| main = print "Test2.main"
| I then first compile the first app:
| ~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test.main Test.hs
| Chasing modules from: Test.hs
| Compiling Test2( ./Test2.hs, ./Test2.o )
| Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
| Linking ...
| then i compile the second app:
| ~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test2.main Test2.hs
| Chasing modules from: Test2.hs
| Skipping  Test2( Test2.hs, Test2.o )
| Linking ...
| /usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0xe): In function `main':
| : undefined reference to `__stginit_ZCMain'
| /usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0x28): In function `main':
| : undefined reference to `ZCMain_main_closure'
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
| So I guess generating Test2.o the first time and using -main-is
renamed the main
| in Test2.o . Since it is not recompiled when I want to compile the
second app,
| it fails because it cant find the main...I thought providing a
-main-is flag
| again when compiling the second app would somehow force recompilation
of Test2.o
| or at least fixing the 'renaming' that the first compilation of
Test2.o had
| caused.
| greetings, Niels.
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list
| Glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org
| http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/glasgow-haskell-bugs
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-1256533 ] Recompilation check should include flags

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1256533, was opened at 2005-08-11 09:06
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Recompilation check should include flags

Initial Comment:
GHC skips recompilation of a module if the module code 
hasn't changed, even if the flags in use *have* changed.  
A benign version is that switching on -O won't recompile 
modules that were compiled without -O.  But here's a 
nastier version: changing the -main-is flag can lead to an 
obscure link error.  Details below supplied by Niels 


Actually, i reproduced it now and the reason is a bit 
different. I have an
application Test and Test2. They both have a main 
function. Test imports Test2
for some other function. So this is how those files look 

~/pancake > cat Test.hs
module Test where
import Test2 hiding (main)

main = doit

~/pancake > cat Test2.hs
module Test2 where

doit = print "Test2.doit"
main = print "Test2.main"

I then first compile the first app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test.main Test.hs
Chasing modules from: Test.hs
Compiling Test2( ./Test2.hs, ./Test2.o )
Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
Linking ...

then i compile the second app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test2.main Test2.hs
Chasing modules from: Test2.hs
Skipping  Test2( Test2.hs, Test2.o )
Linking ...
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0xe): In function 
: undefined reference to `__stginit_ZCMain'
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0x28): In 
function `main':
: undefined reference to `ZCMain_main_closure'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

So I guess generating Test2.o the first time and using -
main-is renamed the main
in Test2.o . Since it is not recompiled when I want to 
compile the second app,
it fails because it cant find the main...I thought providing 
a -main-is flag
again when compiling the second app would somehow 
force recompilation of Test2.o
or at least fixing the 'renaming' that the first compilation 
of Test2.o had 

greetings, Niels.


You can respond by visiting: 
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-635718 ] Bad space behaviour with huge input file

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #635718, was opened at 2002-11-08 23:43
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ajk
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Compiler
Group: 5.04
Status: Closed
Resolution: Rejected
Priority: 6
Submitted By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Assigned to: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Summary: Bad space behaviour with huge input file

Initial Comment:
The attached files (actually, just UnicodeData.hs but
the other file is imported by it) trigger very bad
space and time behaviour in ghc during compilation. One
attempt went up to 500 MB of virtual memory (256
physical available) on my i386 machine. The compilation
ran for more than an hour until killed (stuck in the
rename phase).

I had another version (available on request) of this
that has all the data in a string, compiled into an
object file using gcc (in no time!), accessed using FFI
and then using read made into a real data structure.
The program, looking up one entry in the resulting
FiniteMap, has a memory hit of approximately 130 MB and
runs in one minute (which, while still too much, is
bearable). So it seems there is lots to improve in the
compiler in this case (we are essentially talking about
the same process taking way too much time and memory
when done by the compiler, compared to the program
itself doing it - and even then the memory requirement
is outrageous).

Even some sort of special-casing pragma that allows me
to ask for lighter treatment of pure data would be good
(and a way to statically initialize a FiniteMap...)

I'm sorry but I do not have any simpler input files to


>Comment By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Date: 2005-08-11 11:39

Logged In: YES 

Ok.  I can relate to that :)

Some background: When I originally submitted this bug, I had
already tried many ways of achieving what I wanted; some of
them involved constant expressions, some didn't.  All of
them had bad space/time behaviour; what I submitted was what
I had when I gave up.  The best solution I found involved a
C string foreign-imported and parsed at Haskell side at
run-time, like I indicated in the original message.

I'm now satisfied with your response (in case it isn't


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 11:22

Logged In: YES 

Ok, the syntax errors aren't really syntax errors.  You
missed the "0x" off the front of many hex constants, with
the results that things like 000A is two lexemes.  It parsed
ok, but the renamer would have caught the errors.

The point is I don't know whether we should expect GHC to be
able to compile this module in reasonable time/space.  The
requirements are likely to increase non-linearly with the
size of the program, because it is one huge non-constant
nested exrpression.

It is true that GHC doesn't have a good way to declare large
amounts of constant data.  This is a shortcoming, but not a
bug (please by all means submit a feature request).


Comment By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Date: 2005-08-11 10:54

Logged In: YES 

Of course it is a huge file.  That's the whole point of this
bug report :)

And as to it being syntactically invalid, and having type
errors - I believe this is all the more reason to fix this.
 How am I supposed to fix these issues if the compiler does
not give me a diagnostic?

I can appreciate that typechecking can have inherently bad
space/time behaviour for pathetic cases, but if we are
talking about a syntactically invalid file, the compiler
should not even get to typechecking, now should it. 
Parsing, however, is a well-understood part of computer
science and has no such nasty surprises.


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-10 18:03

Logged In: YES 

This source file is simply huge (6M) and contains a single
large nested non-constant expression.  Also, it isn't
syntactically correct, and even when the syntax errors are
fixed it has type errors.

I'm going to close this bug.  Feel free to submit more
examples of code that GHC takes too long to compile, but
there's not much we can do with this one.


You can respond by visiting: 
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: --make and -main-is still not working together?

2005-08-11 Thread Niels
> I can't reproduce this failure:
> ~/scratch > cat ModName/Main.hs 
> module ModName.Main where
> main=print "hello"
> ~/scratch > ghc -o out --make ModName/Main.hs -main-is ModName.Main.main
> Chasing modules from: ModName/Main.hs
> Skipping  ModName.Main ( ModName/Main.hs, ModName/Main.o )
> Linking ...
> This is 6.4 on x86/Linux.  Is there anything I'm missing?

Actually, i reproduced it now and the reason is a bit different. I have an
application Test and Test2. They both have a main function. Test imports Test2
for some other function. So this is how those files look like:

~/pancake > cat Test.hs
module Test where
import Test2 hiding (main)

main = doit

~/pancake > cat Test2.hs
module Test2 where

doit = print "Test2.doit"
main = print "Test2.main"

I then first compile the first app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test.main Test.hs
Chasing modules from: Test.hs
Compiling Test2( ./Test2.hs, ./Test2.o )
Compiling Test ( Test.hs, Test.o )
Linking ...

then i compile the second app:
~/pancake > ghc --make -main-is Test2.main Test2.hs
Chasing modules from: Test2.hs
Skipping  Test2( Test2.hs, Test2.o )
Linking ...
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0xe): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `__stginit_ZCMain'
/usr/lib/ghc-6.4/libHSrts.a(Main.o)(.text+0x28): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `ZCMain_main_closure'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

So I guess generating Test2.o the first time and using -main-is renamed the main
in Test2.o . Since it is not recompiled when I want to compile the second app,
it fails because it cant find the main...I thought providing a -main-is flag
again when compiling the second app would somehow force recompilation of Test2.o
or at least fixing the 'renaming' that the first compilation of Test2.o had 

greetings, Niels.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-635718 ] Bad space behaviour with huge input file

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #635718, was opened at 2002-11-08 21:43
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by simonmar
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Compiler
Group: 5.04
Status: Closed
Resolution: Rejected
Priority: 6
Submitted By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Assigned to: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Summary: Bad space behaviour with huge input file

Initial Comment:
The attached files (actually, just UnicodeData.hs but
the other file is imported by it) trigger very bad
space and time behaviour in ghc during compilation. One
attempt went up to 500 MB of virtual memory (256
physical available) on my i386 machine. The compilation
ran for more than an hour until killed (stuck in the
rename phase).

I had another version (available on request) of this
that has all the data in a string, compiled into an
object file using gcc (in no time!), accessed using FFI
and then using read made into a real data structure.
The program, looking up one entry in the resulting
FiniteMap, has a memory hit of approximately 130 MB and
runs in one minute (which, while still too much, is
bearable). So it seems there is lots to improve in the
compiler in this case (we are essentially talking about
the same process taking way too much time and memory
when done by the compiler, compared to the program
itself doing it - and even then the memory requirement
is outrageous).

Even some sort of special-casing pragma that allows me
to ask for lighter treatment of pure data would be good
(and a way to statically initialize a FiniteMap...)

I'm sorry but I do not have any simpler input files to


>Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-11 08:22

Logged In: YES 

Ok, the syntax errors aren't really syntax errors.  You
missed the "0x" off the front of many hex constants, with
the results that things like 000A is two lexemes.  It parsed
ok, but the renamer would have caught the errors.

The point is I don't know whether we should expect GHC to be
able to compile this module in reasonable time/space.  The
requirements are likely to increase non-linearly with the
size of the program, because it is one huge non-constant
nested exrpression.

It is true that GHC doesn't have a good way to declare large
amounts of constant data.  This is a shortcoming, but not a
bug (please by all means submit a feature request).


Comment By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Date: 2005-08-11 07:54

Logged In: YES 

Of course it is a huge file.  That's the whole point of this
bug report :)

And as to it being syntactically invalid, and having type
errors - I believe this is all the more reason to fix this.
 How am I supposed to fix these issues if the compiler does
not give me a diagnostic?

I can appreciate that typechecking can have inherently bad
space/time behaviour for pathetic cases, but if we are
talking about a syntactically invalid file, the compiler
should not even get to typechecking, now should it. 
Parsing, however, is a well-understood part of computer
science and has no such nasty surprises.


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-10 15:03

Logged In: YES 

This source file is simply huge (6M) and contains a single
large nested non-constant expression.  Also, it isn't
syntactically correct, and even when the syntax errors are
fixed it has type errors.

I'm going to close this bug.  Feel free to submit more
examples of code that GHC takes too long to compile, but
there's not much we can do with this one.


You can respond by visiting: 
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[ ghc-Bugs-635718 ] Bad space behaviour with huge input file

2005-08-11 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #635718, was opened at 2002-11-08 23:43
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ajk
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Compiler
Group: 5.04
Status: Closed
Resolution: Rejected
Priority: 6
Submitted By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Assigned to: Simon Peyton Jones (simonpj)
Summary: Bad space behaviour with huge input file

Initial Comment:
The attached files (actually, just UnicodeData.hs but
the other file is imported by it) trigger very bad
space and time behaviour in ghc during compilation. One
attempt went up to 500 MB of virtual memory (256
physical available) on my i386 machine. The compilation
ran for more than an hour until killed (stuck in the
rename phase).

I had another version (available on request) of this
that has all the data in a string, compiled into an
object file using gcc (in no time!), accessed using FFI
and then using read made into a real data structure.
The program, looking up one entry in the resulting
FiniteMap, has a memory hit of approximately 130 MB and
runs in one minute (which, while still too much, is
bearable). So it seems there is lots to improve in the
compiler in this case (we are essentially talking about
the same process taking way too much time and memory
when done by the compiler, compared to the program
itself doing it - and even then the memory requirement
is outrageous).

Even some sort of special-casing pragma that allows me
to ask for lighter treatment of pure data would be good
(and a way to statically initialize a FiniteMap...)

I'm sorry but I do not have any simpler input files to


>Comment By: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho (ajk)
Date: 2005-08-11 10:54

Logged In: YES 

Of course it is a huge file.  That's the whole point of this
bug report :)

And as to it being syntactically invalid, and having type
errors - I believe this is all the more reason to fix this.
 How am I supposed to fix these issues if the compiler does
not give me a diagnostic?

I can appreciate that typechecking can have inherently bad
space/time behaviour for pathetic cases, but if we are
talking about a syntactically invalid file, the compiler
should not even get to typechecking, now should it. 
Parsing, however, is a well-understood part of computer
science and has no such nasty surprises.


Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2005-08-10 18:03

Logged In: YES 

This source file is simply huge (6M) and contains a single
large nested non-constant expression.  Also, it isn't
syntactically correct, and even when the syntax errors are
fixed it has type errors.

I'm going to close this bug.  Feel free to submit more
examples of code that GHC takes too long to compile, but
there's not much we can do with this one.


You can respond by visiting: 
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list