RE: openFile, process file table full

2000-09-11 Thread Marko Schuetz
From: Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: openFile, process file table full Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 02:10:59 -0700 The following program: module Main(main) where main:: IO() main = do { xs - mapM readFile (take 1000 (repeat "tmp")); return (); }

is this a bug?

1998-02-25 Thread Marko Schuetz
ghc-3.01 complains about a syntax error in the following cut down program: module Fehler where data Constr = (:-:) { expr :: LambdaCExpr, context :: ContextTerm } kinetic% ghc Fehler.hs Fehler.hs:4:12: parse error on input: "{" Hugs 1.4 accepts the module and seems to do what was