Hi there,

This is ghc-4.01

I have not seen an instance of such a message
for non-overlapping patterns for non-string types.

As part of a where clause I have (modulo renaming)
two equations of the following form:

      f Pat1 p2 p3 p4 = rhs1
      f Pat2 p2 p3 p4 = rhs2

where Pat1 and Pat2 are disjoint ``ground'' instances
of a user defined algebraic data type as in
 data Pattern = Pat1 | Pat1

I get nevertheless (modulo renaming)

    Pattern match(es) are overlapped in the definition of function `f'
            Pat2 p2 p3 p4 = ...

I tried to isolate this but strangely enough the
message is not generated in a module of the following

> module Overlap( overlap ) where

> data Pattern = A | B

> overlap A i j k = 0
> overlap B i j k = 0

Let me know if you need more info.



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