
I've got such a compilation error on code that was accepted by an
earlier GHC:

        GADT pattern match in non-rigid context for `TypeInt'
          Tell GHC HQ if you'd like this to unify the context
        In the pattern: TypeInt
        In the pattern:
            FunctionInfo {fiName = "name", fiReturnType = TypeInt}
        In the pattern:
            Call (FunctionInfo {fiName = "name", fiReturnType = TypeInt}) [dyn]

This was in a module which had no {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}.
I was preparing to file a bug report, but then I noticed that it's
enough to put -fglasgow-exts there to make the code compile.

I am reporting it because it may be confusing to others. Perhaps it
would be a good idea to advise trying -fglasgow-exts in the error

Best regards
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

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