Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-19 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  feature request|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related:  7346   |  
Changes (by PHO):

 * cc: pho@… (added)

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-13 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  feature request|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related:  7346   |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * type:  bug => feature request

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-13 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related:  7346   |  

Comment(by simonpj):

 See email debate here

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-12 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related:  7346   |  
Changes (by dreixel):

  * related:  => 7346


 Replying to [comment:7 hvr]:
 > just a thought:
 > ...what if the default-signature implementation would be only selectable
 by using the `deriving` facilities for auto-derivable classes?

 I can see the advantages, but there are also some problems. First, it only
 works if ALL the methods of the class have defaults (with signature or
 not). Second, when using normal deriving (not standalone) the compiler has
 to figure out the context for the instance, and this is not easy in

 See also #7346.

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-11 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  
Changes (by basvandijk):

 * cc: v.dijk.bas@… (added)

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-09 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  

Comment(by cgaebel):

 +1 to hvr's idea. This would have the additional (very awesome) benefit of
 allowing the deriving of Show, Read, Eq, Ord, etc. to be implemented in a
 library (Prelude?) instead of living as compiler magic.

 This bug just got a whole lot more exciting.

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-09 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  

Comment(by hvr):

 just a thought:

 ...what if the default-signature implementation would be only selectable
 by using the `deriving` facilities for auto-derivable classes? I.e. by

 data A = A { unA :: Int }
 deriving (Generic,Klass)
 data A = A { unA :: Int }
 deriving Generic

 deriving instance Klass A

 would both result in `A` getting the default-signature based
 implementation, wheras

 data A = A { unA :: Int }
 deriving Generic

 instance Klass A

 would get the "ordinary" default implementation (as if the default-
 signature implementation wasn't there). Wouldn't this help the issue at
 hand by making the choice explicit?

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-08 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  
Changes (by hvr):

 * cc: hvr@… (added)

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-05 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  

Comment(by cgaebel):

 Doesn't GHC already backtrack for things like UndecidableInstances? Or
 does it do something else? Can we apply that here?

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-05 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  

Comment(by simonpj):

 OK I see. You want the choice to depend on attempting (and perhapes
 failing) solve the context of generic default.

 A related and oft-made request is to allow, say
 instance Foo1 a => Bar (T a) where ...
 instance Foo2 a => Bar (T a) where ...
 The request is that when soliving `(Bar (T Int))`, say, the compiler
 should try to solve `(Foo1 Int)` and `(Foo2 Int)` and pick the one that

 This is a big deal; it'd require some kind of back-tracking in the
 constraint solver.  Your suggestion is, I think, more modest but stll very
 far from straightforwward.  For example in your code, suppose you had
 instance Foo a => Klass (T a)
 Now, whether the context of the generic default is soluble may depend on
 the instantiation of a.

 Unless I'm missing something I'm not keen.


Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-05 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:   
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  
Changes (by igloo):

  * testcase: =>

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-05 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:  
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  

Comment(by tibbe):

 A test case is linked under the "Test Case" attribute above. Here's the
 same test case, inlined:

 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts,
 DeriveGeneric #-}
 module Main ( main ) where

 import GHC.Generics

 class Klass a where
 func :: a -> Int
 func _ = 0

 -- This implementation is incompatible with the one above. What should
 -- happen instead is that this instance is selected whenever
 -- and the one above should be used as a fallback.
 default func :: (Generic a, GKlass (Rep a)) => a -> Int
 func = gfunc . from

 class GKlass f where
 gfunc :: f a -> Int

 instance GKlass U1 where
  gfunc _ = 0

 instance Klass a => GKlass (K1 i a) where
 gfunc = (+1) . func . unK1

 instance GKlass a => GKlass (M1 i c a) where
 gfunc = gfunc . unM1

 instance (GKlass a, GKlass b) => GKlass (a :*: b) where
 gfunc (x :*: y) = 1 + gfunc x + gfunc y

 instance (GKlass a, GKlass b) => GKlass (a :+: b) where
 gfunc (L1 x) = 1 + gfunc x
 gfunc (R1 x) = 1 + gfunc x

 instance Klass Int where
 func = id

 data A = A { unA :: Int }
 deriving Generic

 -- A has a Generic instance. Therefore, should use gfunc.
 instance Klass A

 data B = B { unB :: Int }

 -- B does not have a Generic instance. Therefore, should use func.
 instance Klass B

 main :: IO ()
 main = print (func $ A 3, func $ B 3)

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations

2012-11-05 Thread GHC
#7395: DefaultSignatures conflict with default implementations
Reporter:  cgaebel|   Owner:   
Type:  bug|  Status:  new  
Priority:  normal |   Milestone:   
   Component:  Compiler   | Version:  7.6.1
Keywords:  DefaultSignatures  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   | Failure:  GHC rejects valid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown|Testcase:  
   Blockedby: |Blocking:   
 Related: |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * difficulty:  => Unknown


 You did not attach a test case!

Ticket URL: 
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list