> On Th, 3 May 2018 at 13:53 UTC, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> I am worried about the signal-to-noise ratio for those poor committee
> members who have not given up on following the GitHub notifications for
> the ghc-proposals repository....
Almost by definition, Issue-tracker traffic should *not* be going to
committee members, unless they deliberately opt in to some issue.

I don't get github traffic except for proposals I've opted in to; and I can
always 'mute the thread'. So specifically no traffic for the Issue David's
just raised [good]. I go and sweep github for interesting pickings every
now and then, and subscribe.

Looks like (from his puzzled reply) Simon did get traffic for that issue. I
dread to think what other github traffic Simon might have suffered recently.

Can a user configure to get proposal traffic but not Issue tracker traffic?
(There seem to be options for everything.) I suggest the committee members
do that.

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