>On March 6, 2019 11:21:34 UTC, Ben Gamari wrote:

>>On March 6, 2019 6:11:49 AM EST, Ara Adkins wrote:>>*One question: what is 
>>happening with the trac tickets mailing list? I
*>>*imagine it’ll be going away, but for those of us that use it to keep
*>>*track of things is there a recommended alternative?

Yes I look at that as a way to keep a finger lightly on the pulse -
chiefly for what users think ghc should be doing.

>The ghc-commits list will continue to work.

But that's only fixes, not explanations.

>The ghc-tickets list is a good question. I suspect that under gitlab there 
>will be less need for this list but we may still want to continue maintaining 
>it regardless for continuity's sake. Thoughts?

The gitlab issues list can be sorted by latest update, which should be
roughly equiv. But it's showing weird stuff at the moment. (Like
decades-old closed tickets with activity 1 day ago.) I guess that's a
'feature' of the migration(?)

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