The KubeVirt team found a bug in how Heketi provisions requested volumes
(PVCs). The problem that they hit is related to how much overhead a
filesystem needs vs how much free space is expected. This comes down to
the following:

- Heketi gets asked to provision a volume of 4GB
- checking the available space once the volume is a little less
- KubeVirt will not be able to create a 4GB disk image and errors out

It seems that Heketi does not take all overhead into account while
creating bricks, and the Gluster volume. The following overhead items
are identified:

- XFS metadata after formatting the block-device (LVM/LV)
- GlusterFS metadata under .glusterfs
- space reservation with the `storage.reserve` volume option

In order to improve Heketi and fullfill the 'requested size' correctly,
we will need to estimate/calculate the overhead and only then execute
the volume creation operations. Ideas and suggestions for this are most
welcome. is the main bug for
this. However it is likely that gluster-block, glusterd2 and other smart
provisioners are affected with the same problem.

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