Can someone advice on this, please?


Dňa 3. 6. 2019 o 18:58 užívateľ Martin <> napísal:

> Hi all,
> I need someone to explain if my gluster behaviour is correct. I am not sure 
> if my gluster works as it should. I have simple Replica 3 - Number of Bricks: 
> 1 x 3 = 3.
> When one of my hypervisor is disconnected as peer, i.e. gluster process is 
> down but bricks running, other two healthy nodes start signalling that they 
> lost one peer. This is correct.
> Next, I restart gluster process on node where gluster process failed and I 
> thought It should trigger healing of files on failed node but nothing is 
> happening.
> I run VMs disks on this gluster volume. No healing is triggered after gluster 
> restart, remaining two nodes get peer back after restart of gluster and 
> everything is running without down time.
> Even VMs that are running on “failed” node where gluster process was down 
> (bricks were up) are running without down time. 
> Is this behaviour correct? I mean No healing is triggered after peer is 
> reconnected back and VMs.
> Thanks for explanation.
> BR!
> Martin 

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