Justice London wrote:
I am having issues with slow writes to a gluster replicated setup using
booster. on the order of about 800KB/sec. When writing a file to a fuse
mounted version of the same filesystem I am able to write of course many,
many times that speed. Has anyone gotten this to successfully work at this
point? If so, with what changes or configs? I have tried both the standard
and modified versions of unfs3.

Do you have write-behind in the booster volfile?

Which release of GlusterFS?

With what wsize value are you mounting NFS server at the client?
Preferable size is 64KiB but I think Linux client default is 32KiB.

Use the -o wsize=65536 with the mount command to increase this value.

Please tell me the output of:
$ cat /proc/sys/sunrpc/tcp_slot_table_entries

The default is 16 on Linux. Try increasing this to say 64 first, and
then to 128. Do tell me if this increases the throughput.


Justice London
E-mail:  jlon...@lawinfo.com


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