Dear gromacs users,
   I am using Gromacs 3.3 to simulate a coarse-grained molecule which contains 
atom B and L. The atom B and L are defined myself. When the simulation 
finished, I tried to use g_rdf to calculate the static structure factor. But it 
gave the error message:
Program g_rdf, VERSION 3.3
Source code file: gmx_rdf.c, line: 817

Fatal error:

Error: atom type (B) not in list (18 types checked)!


   I've read the source code of g_rdf, found that the variable CM_t[] only 
contains 18 atom types. I think it is the root of the above error, right? I 
want to add my user-defined atoms into the code, but I found that the program 
uses the Cromer Mann formula to reproduce the experimental scattering factors, 
can anyone tell me how I choose the nine Cromer Mann formula coefficients of my 
   Why it don't use the following formula to calculate the structure factor?

   Thank you for your answers.  ^_^

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