Re: [gmx-users] Re: grompp for minimization: note warning

2013-09-18 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi Shahab,

What did you do exactly? Can you state your complete protocol (1. fetched
this structure file there, 2. got the topology from there, 3. did
something, 4. ran grompp like this, etc)? Use brief, clear explanations and
the command lines as you issued them.



On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:

 On 9/17/13 8:47 AM, shahab shariati wrote:

 Dear Justin

 Very very thanks for your quick reply.

 I am very confused and amazed.

 After visualization of atom 618 ( where the maximum force is),
 what should I do to resolve me problem.

 Any help will highly appreciated.

 I honestly have no idea.  There's something nasty going on there, but only
 you have the ability to see it.  You can always try a smaller value of
 emstep, a different EM algorithm, etc.  Try setting nstxout = 1 and
 visualize the entire EM trajectory to see where things start to go out of
 control.  And finally, if it really isn't working, ask the people who
 provided the coordinates - they're supposed to be pre-equilibrated, so if
 you can't get it to minimize, maybe there's something wrong that's happened
 before you even got your hands on the file.



 Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
 Postdoctoral Fellow

 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
 School of Pharmacy
 Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
 University of Maryland, Baltimore
 20 Penn St.
 Baltimore, MD 21201

 jalemkul@outerbanks.umaryland.**edu | 


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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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[gmx-users] Re: grompp for minimization: note warning

2013-09-18 Thread shahab shariati
Dear Tsjerk

Thanks for your consideration.

My system contains 2 components: (DOPC  cholesterol) lipids + water

I get force field parameters from lipid book (for dopc and cholesterol).

I used input coordinate file (system.gro) from following web site:

em.mdp file is as follows:
; em.mdp - used as input into grompp to generate em.tpr
; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator= steep; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent
emtol= 1000.0  ; Stop minimization when the maximum force 
1000.0 kJ/mol/nm
emstep  = 0.01  ; Energy step size
nsteps= 5  ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to

; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom
nstlist= 1; Frequency to update the neighbor list and
long range forces
ns_type= grid; Method to determine neighbor list (simple,
rlist= 1.2; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range
coulombtype= PME; Treatment of long range electrostatic
rcoulomb= 1.2; Short-range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw= 1.2; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off
pbc= xyz ; Periodic Boundary Conditions
For doing minimization, I used following command:

grompp -f em.mdp -c system.gro -p -o em.tpr

and then I get following result:
WARNING 1 [file, line 32]:
  3632 non-matching atom names
  atom names from will be used
  atom names from system.gro will be ignored

Analysing residue names:
Warning: file does not end with a newline, last line:
IB+ Ion
There are:   128  Other residues
There are:  1706  Water residues
Analysing residues not classified as Protein/DNA/RNA/Water and splitting
into groups...
Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group rest is 29019.00
Largest charge group radii for Van der Waals: 1.541, 1.514 nm
Largest charge group radii for Coulomb:   0.079, 0.079 nm

WARNING 2 [file em.mdp]:
  The sum of the two largest charge group radii (3.054313) is larger than
  rlist (1.20)

Calculating fourier grid dimensions for X Y Z
Using a fourier grid of 72x72x72, spacing 0.111 0.120 0.116
Estimate for the relative computational load of the PME mesh part: 0.62

NOTE 1 [file em.mdp]:
  The optimal PME mesh load for parallel simulations is below 0.5
  and for highly parallel simulations between 0.25 and 0.33,
  for higher performance, increase the cut-off and the PME grid spacing

This run will generate roughly 133 Mb of data

There was 1 note

There were 2 warnings
I used -maxwarn option and I obtained em.tpr file.

Then, for doing minimization, I used following command:

mdrun -s em.tpr -o em.trr -c em.gro -e em.edr -g em.log

and then I get following result:
Reading file em.tpr, VERSION 4.5.1 (single precision)
Starting 4 threads
Making 2D domain decomposition 1 x 2 x 2

Steepest Descents:
   Tolerance (Fmax)   =  1.0e+03
   Number of steps=5

Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
Converged to machine precision,
but not to the requested precision Fmax  1000

Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)

writing lowest energy coordinates.

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 881 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax  1000.
Potential Energy  =  2.1828770e+05
Maximum force =  1.3656898e+04 on atom 618
Norm of force =  5.1748779e+02

When I see created gro file (em.gro) by VMD, some dopc or cholesterol
molecules are broken to 2 or 3 parts.

I tested different ways:

1) change of parameters in em.mdp file ( emstep, nstep, EM algorithm )

2) change of box size

3) I used the newest version of gromacs (4.6.3)

But, unfortunatele, my problem was not solved.

Certainly, I can not use this structure for next step (equilibration).

How to solve this problem.

Any help will highly appreciated.

Best wishes for you
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: grompp for minimization: note warning

2013-09-18 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi Shahab,

That site has a lot of structures. It would be better to explicitly state
which one you took. However, in this case, the better question is, how did
you write the topology, and did you check the correspondence of the order
of molecules/atoms in the topology file and the structure file? I guess the
answer to the latter is no...

 WARNING 1 [file, line 32]:
   3632 non-matching atom names
   atom names from will be used
   atom names from system.gro will be ignored

Never ignore this warning, unless you understand why this is okay.


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[gmx-users] periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina

I have a surface, formed by Mg2Al(OH)6.

All of the O are bonded with Al, by such forming a mesh.
I am using periodic_molecule=yes
as discussed in this thread:

I set up the topology for the small unit shown in blue frame on this picture

Then I make a big layered structure of 4 x 4 x 4 of such units and do energy
minimisation, using following script:
integrator   = steep
nsteps   = 5000
emtol= 10
emstep   = 0.01
nstxout  = 1 
nstenergy= 1
rlist= 1.0
pbc  = xyz
periodic_molecules   = yes
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0  
vdw-type = cut-off
rvdw = 1.0

And my Al that had bonds across periodic system  (al2 and al3)  move  - see

Colour coding: al2 is shown as large cyan and al3 is shown as large blue.
al1 is shown in small cyan - it's the only al that does not do a big move.
all mg are shown in pink

I am not sure - have I set up periodic molecule wrong?

My molecule.rtp for the using looks like:

[ bondedtypes ]
 ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers
 1   1  0  0

 [ B21 ] ;# ldh21 
  [ atoms ]
 ; atomname atomtype charge chargegroup
   o1  oc18  -0.875   3
   h1  hoy0.350  3
   o2  oc17  -0.875   3
   h2  hoy0.350  3
   o3  oc20  -0.875   3
   h3  hoy0.350  3
   o4  oc21  -0.875   1
   h4  hoy0.350  1
   o5  oc16  -0.875   1
   h5  hoy0.350  1
   o6  oc19  -0.875   1
   h6  hoy0.350  1
   mg1 mg1.400
   al1 ac3   1.351
   mg2 mg1.400
   o7  oc16  -0.875   2
   h7  hoy0.350  2
   o8  oc19   -0.875  2
   h8  hoy0.350  2
   o9  oc18   -0.875   1
   h9  hoy0.350  1
   o10 oc17   -0.875   1
   h10 hoy0.350  1
   o11 oc20   -0.875   1
   h11 hoy0.350  1
   o12 oc21   -0.875   2
   h12 hoy0.350  2
   mg3 mg1.400
   mg4 mg1.400
   al2 ac3   1.352
   o13 oc20   -0.875   2
   h13 hoy0.350  2
   o14 oc21   -0.875   3
   h14 hoy0.350  3
   o15 oc16   -0.875   3
   h15 hoy0.350  3
   o16  oc19   -0.875   3
   h16  hoy0.350  3
   o17  oc18   -0.875   2
   h17  hoy0.350  2
   o18  oc17   -0.875   2
   h18  hoy0.350  2
   al3  ac3   1.353
   mg5  mg1.400
   mg6  mg1.400
  [ bonds ]
 ; atom1 atom2   parametersindex
   o1 h1 b_oc-h
   o2 h2 b_oc-h
   o3 h3 b_oc-h
   o4 h4 b_oc-h
   o5 h5 b_oc-h
   o6 h6 b_oc-h
   o7 h7 b_oc-h
   o8 h8 b_oc-h
   o9 h9 b_oc-h
   o10 h10 b_oc-h
   o11 h11 b_oc-h
   o12 h12 b_oc-h
   o13 h13 b_oc-h
   o14 h14 b_oc-h
   o15 h15 b_oc-h
   o16 h16 b_oc-h
   o17 h17 b_oc-h
   o18 h18 b_oc-h
   o1 al3 b_ac-oc
   o2 al3 b_ac-oc
   o3 al3 b_ac-oc
   o4 al1 b_ac-oc
   o5 al1 b_ac-oc
   o6 al1 b_ac-oc
   o7 al2 b_ac-oc
   o8 al2 b_ac-oc
   o9 al1 b_ac-oc
   o10 al1 b_ac-oc
   o11 al1 b_ac-oc
   o12 al2 b_ac-oc
   o13 al2 b_ac-oc
   o14 al3 b_ac-oc
   o15 al3 b_ac-oc
   o16 al3 b_ac-oc
   o17 al2 b_ac-oc
   o18 al2 b_ac-oc
  [ angles ]
 ;  aiajak   gromos type 
al3   o14   h14   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o15   h15   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o1   h1   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o16   h16   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o2   h2   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o3   h3   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o4   h4   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o5   h5   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o9   h9   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o6   h6   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o10   h10   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o11   h11   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o12   h12   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o7   h7   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o17   h17   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o8   h8   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o18   h18   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o13   h13   a_ac-oc-h
o5  al1 o10 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o7  al2 o18 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o15 al3 o2  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o9  al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o17 al2 o8  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o1  al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o11 al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o13 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o3  al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o5  al1 o9  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o7  al2 o17 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 o1  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o7  al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 o8  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o2  al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 o13 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o2  al3 o3  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o9  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o17 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o1  al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o6  al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o8  al2 o13 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o16 al3 o3  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_3
o7  al2 o8  a_oc-ac-oc_3
o15 al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o5  al1 o11 

[gmx-users] SHAKE or LINCS for free energy computations.

2013-09-18 Thread hsp85
Hi everybody!

I have a question about free energy computation.
What algorithm i should use for constraining h-bonds SHAKE or LINCS then i'm
doing free energy computation?
Is any sufficient difference is exist?


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Re: [gmx-users] periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 9/18/13 5:42 AM, Valentina wrote:


I have a surface, formed by Mg2Al(OH)6.

All of the O are bonded with Al, by such forming a mesh.
I am using periodic_molecule=yes
as discussed in this thread:

I set up the topology for the small unit shown in blue frame on this picture

Then I make a big layered structure of 4 x 4 x 4 of such units and do energy
minimisation, using following script:
integrator   = steep
nsteps   = 5000
emtol= 10
emstep   = 0.01
nstxout  = 1
nstenergy= 1
rlist= 1.0
pbc  = xyz
periodic_molecules   = yes
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdw-type = cut-off
rvdw = 1.0

And my Al that had bonds across periodic system  (al2 and al3)  move  - see

Colour coding: al2 is shown as large cyan and al3 is shown as large blue.
al1 is shown in small cyan - it's the only al that does not do a big move.
all mg are shown in pink

I am not sure - have I set up periodic molecule wrong?

My molecule.rtp for the using looks like:

[ bondedtypes ]
  ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers
  1   1  0  0

  [ B21 ] ;# ldh21
   [ atoms ]
  ; atomname atomtype charge chargegroup
o1  oc18  -0.875   3
h1  hoy0.350  3
o2  oc17  -0.875   3
h2  hoy0.350  3
o3  oc20  -0.875   3
h3  hoy0.350  3
o4  oc21  -0.875   1
h4  hoy0.350  1
o5  oc16  -0.875   1
h5  hoy0.350  1
o6  oc19  -0.875   1
h6  hoy0.350  1
mg1 mg1.400
al1 ac3   1.351
mg2 mg1.400
o7  oc16  -0.875   2
h7  hoy0.350  2
o8  oc19   -0.875  2
h8  hoy0.350  2
o9  oc18   -0.875   1
h9  hoy0.350  1
o10 oc17   -0.875   1
h10 hoy0.350  1
o11 oc20   -0.875   1
h11 hoy0.350  1
o12 oc21   -0.875   2
h12 hoy0.350  2
mg3 mg1.400
mg4 mg1.400
al2 ac3   1.352
o13 oc20   -0.875   2
h13 hoy0.350  2
o14 oc21   -0.875   3
h14 hoy0.350  3
o15 oc16   -0.875   3
h15 hoy0.350  3
o16  oc19   -0.875   3
h16  hoy0.350  3
o17  oc18   -0.875   2
h17  hoy0.350  2
o18  oc17   -0.875   2
h18  hoy0.350  2
al3  ac3   1.353
mg5  mg1.400
mg6  mg1.400
   [ bonds ]
  ; atom1 atom2   parametersindex
o1 h1 b_oc-h
o2 h2 b_oc-h
o3 h3 b_oc-h
o4 h4 b_oc-h
o5 h5 b_oc-h
o6 h6 b_oc-h
o7 h7 b_oc-h
o8 h8 b_oc-h
o9 h9 b_oc-h
o10 h10 b_oc-h
o11 h11 b_oc-h
o12 h12 b_oc-h
o13 h13 b_oc-h
o14 h14 b_oc-h
o15 h15 b_oc-h
o16 h16 b_oc-h
o17 h17 b_oc-h
o18 h18 b_oc-h
o1 al3 b_ac-oc
o2 al3 b_ac-oc
o3 al3 b_ac-oc
o4 al1 b_ac-oc
o5 al1 b_ac-oc
o6 al1 b_ac-oc
o7 al2 b_ac-oc
o8 al2 b_ac-oc
o9 al1 b_ac-oc
o10 al1 b_ac-oc
o11 al1 b_ac-oc
o12 al2 b_ac-oc
o13 al2 b_ac-oc
o14 al3 b_ac-oc
o15 al3 b_ac-oc
o16 al3 b_ac-oc
o17 al2 b_ac-oc
o18 al2 b_ac-oc
   [ angles ]
  ;  aiajak   gromos type
al3   o14   h14   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o15   h15   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o1   h1   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o16   h16   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o2   h2   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o3   h3   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o4   h4   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o5   h5   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o9   h9   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o6   h6   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o10   h10   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o11   h11   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o12   h12   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o7   h7   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o17   h17   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o8   h8   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o18   h18   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o13   h13   a_ac-oc-h
o5  al1 o10 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o7  al2 o18 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o15 al3 o2  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o9  al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o17 al2 o8  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o1  al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o11 al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o13 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o3  al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o5  al1 o9  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o7  al2 o17 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 o1  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o7  al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 o8  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o2  al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 o13 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o2  al3 o3  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o9  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o17 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o1  al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o6  al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o8  al2 o13 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o16 al3 o3  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 

[gmx-users] Re: Why do you delete the messages?

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina

You mean this one?

you have posted it in Gromacs general forum, but checking for it in Gromacs
Users forum (i.e sub-forum) hence don't see it!


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[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina
Thank you!

Yep, they seem to be wanting to bond to the O's within the cell, while they
are meant to bond across the PBC.

I am not sure how periodic_molecule = yes part functions. I don't seem to
get difference if I turn it on or off when I do Energy minimisation. Do you
have some examples that work, so I can compare to them? Are there some
threshold distances, that they rely upon? I really wouldn't like to have to
make the a bigger basic cell - too much topology assigning. 


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Re: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 9/18/13 8:07 AM, Valentina wrote:

Thank you!

Yep, they seem to be wanting to bond to the O's within the cell, while they
are meant to bond across the PBC.

I am not sure how periodic_molecule = yes part functions. I don't seem to
get difference if I turn it on or off when I do Energy minimisation. Do you
have some examples that work, so I can compare to them? Are there some

I have never used periodic molecules, except when toying around with some CNTs 
for my own curiosity.  I suspect the problem you're seeing arises from the 
bonded atoms being closer within the unit cell than they are across PBC, so the 
minimum distance is what is trying to be satisfied.  How far apart are the atoms 
across PBC, and how long is the assigned bond supposed to be?  I have seen other 
cases posted to the list wherein the periodic_molecules function breaks down 
simply because of bad starting geometry.

threshold distances, that they rely upon? I really wouldn't like to have to
make the a bigger basic cell - too much topology assigning.

A bigger unit cell won't help.  In fact, it would probably make things worse.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina
Justin Lemkul wrote
 On 9/18/13 8:07 AM, Valentina wrote:
 Thank you!

 Yep, they seem to be wanting to bond to the O's within the cell, while
 are meant to bond across the PBC.

 I am not sure how periodic_molecule = yes part functions. I don't seem to
 get difference if I turn it on or off when I do Energy minimisation. Do
 have some examples that work, so I can compare to them? Are there some
 I have never used periodic molecules, except when toying around with some
 for my own curiosity.  I suspect the problem you're seeing arises from the 
 bonded atoms being closer within the unit cell than they are across PBC,
 so the 
 minimum distance is what is trying to be satisfied. 
 Nope, thats not the case.
 Across pbc it's 2.06A while across the cell it's 7.89A (see the attached
 pic, where in bold are the atoms whitin the cell and small are the
 periodic representation it should bond to)
 How far apart are the atoms 
 across PBC, and how long is the assigned bond supposed to be?  I have seen
 cases posted to the list wherein the periodic_molecules function breaks
 simply because of bad starting geometry.
 threshold distances, that they rely upon? I really wouldn't like to have
 make the a bigger basic cell - too much topology assigning.

 A bigger unit cell won't help.  In fact, it would probably make things
 Agree, thank you!
 Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
 Postdoctoral Fellow
 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
 School of Pharmacy
 Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
 University of Maryland, Baltimore
 20 Penn St.
 Baltimore, MD 21201


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[gmx-users] Help g_energy

2013-09-18 Thread Marcelo Vanean
Hello. I was calculating the viscosity of hexane through the Gromacs
command g_energy. Three files are generated: visco.xvg, evisco.xvg and
eviscoi.xvg. The file visco.xvg presents the shear viscosity and bulk, but
the value does not match the experimental. I used 8 ns simulation at
equilibrium. However, the file evisco.xvg has a value very close to the
experimental but has only a time of 2 ns (version 4.0.7). I want to know
what is present in the file eviscoi.xvg. Thank you.
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 9/18/13 8:34 AM, Valentina wrote:

Justin Lemkul wrote

On 9/18/13 8:07 AM, Valentina wrote:

Thank you!

Yep, they seem to be wanting to bond to the O's within the cell, while
are meant to bond across the PBC.

I am not sure how periodic_molecule = yes part functions. I don't seem to
get difference if I turn it on or off when I do Energy minimisation. Do
have some examples that work, so I can compare to them? Are there some

I have never used periodic molecules, except when toying around with some
for my own curiosity.  I suspect the problem you're seeing arises from the
bonded atoms being closer within the unit cell than they are across PBC,
so the
minimum distance is what is trying to be satisfied.

Nope, thats not the case.
Across pbc it's 2.06A while across the cell it's 7.89A (see the attached
pic, where in bold are the atoms whitin the cell and small are the
periodic representation it should bond to)

How far apart are the atoms
across PBC, and how long is the assigned bond supposed to be?  I have seen
cases posted to the list wherein the periodic_molecules function breaks
simply because of bad starting geometry.

Can you please address this question regarding the desired bond length, as well? 
 If the distance is not within the normal tolerance (10%), then a bond will not 
be detected across PBC and thus will default to forming within the unit cell.


threshold distances, that they rely upon? I really wouldn't like to have
make the a bigger basic cell - too much topology assigning.

A bigger unit cell won't help.  In fact, it would probably make things

Agree, thank you!



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201


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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] Error while simulating Protein in SDS/Water

2013-09-18 Thread naresh_sssihl
Dear GMX users,

I am trying to simulate a protein in SDS/Water box. 

1. No problems with pdb2gmx - .gro file and .top files were generated.
/pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -o protein_pro.gro -water spce/
selected ff 13: GROMOS96 53a6 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)

2. Created a Cubic box using editconf
  /editconf -f protein_pro.gro -o protein_newbox.gro -c -d 1.0 -bt cubic/

3. Then solvated the system using genbox
  genbox -cp protein_newbox.gro -cs spc216.gro -ci sds.gro -nmol 215 -o
protein_solv.gro -p

4. After this step I looked at the file and I found that it was
not fully updated and so I manually updated by adding no. of SDS molecules
under [ molecules ] section at the very end. Also I added #include sds.itp
whereever it was required.
In fact I followed the discussion between Justin, Mark and Anna Marabotti at
the following link:  and did
everything that was suggested. 

5. When I use grompp after the step 4
grompp -f minim.mdp -c protein_solv.gro -p -o protein.tpr

This is where I am getting a Fatal Error saying that the number of
Co-ordinates in protein_solv.gro do not match with the number of
co-ordinates in

Could you please help regarding this... Please give me your valuable

With Thanks and Best Regards


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Re: [gmx-users] Error while simulating Protein in SDS/Water

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Abraham
Look at the numbers, count the number of atoms you expect in each
moleculetype, and work out what the mismatch is.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:58 PM, naresh_sssihl wrote:
 Dear GMX users,

 I am trying to simulate a protein in SDS/Water box.

 1. No problems with pdb2gmx - .gro file and .top files were generated.
 /pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -o protein_pro.gro -water spce/
 selected ff 13: GROMOS96 53a6 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)

 2. Created a Cubic box using editconf
   /editconf -f protein_pro.gro -o protein_newbox.gro -c -d 1.0 -bt cubic/

 3. Then solvated the system using genbox
   genbox -cp protein_newbox.gro -cs spc216.gro -ci sds.gro -nmol 215 -o
 protein_solv.gro -p

 4. After this step I looked at the file and I found that it was
 not fully updated and so I manually updated by adding no. of SDS molecules
 under [ molecules ] section at the very end. Also I added #include sds.itp
 whereever it was required.
 In fact I followed the discussion between Justin, Mark and Anna Marabotti at
 the following link:  and did
 everything that was suggested.

 5. When I use grompp after the step 4
 grompp -f minim.mdp -c protein_solv.gro -p -o protein.tpr

 This is where I am getting a Fatal Error saying that the number of
 Co-ordinates in protein_solv.gro do not match with the number of
 co-ordinates in

 Could you please help regarding this... Please give me your valuable

 With Thanks and Best Regards


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[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina
Thank you,

The bond between Al and O is 1.96 A
So it should be within 10% from 2.06 A, so the lowest size is 1.854 A? It
should be able to pick up 1.96 A then. Am I right?

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 9/18/13 9:09 AM, Valentina wrote:

Thank you,

The bond between Al and O is 1.96 A
So it should be within 10% from 2.06 A, so the lowest size is 1.854 A? It
should be able to pick up 1.96 A then. Am I right?

In theory, that bond should work.  It looks like a pretty complex system though, 
so any number of things could be breaking.  Are your bonds constrained, or 
simple harmonic interactions?  If the latter, there is no guarantee that you can 
preserve the original geometry.  Check the inputs carefully (since this is a 
very non-standard application as far as normal Gromacs usage goes) and build 
the smallest test case you possibly can for each interaction.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Guanglei Cui
gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not read by
grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes with
LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm not
sure what's missing here.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.


 On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  Thanks. Is it possible to dump the parameters in the tpr file to a mdp
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Mark Abraham
  mdrun -nsteps in 4.6 overrides the number of steps in the .tpr
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Dear GMX users,
   I'm new to Gromacs. So apologies if this question is too simple.
   I downloaded top/tpr files from the supplementary material of a
   paper. The nsteps set in the tpr file is 100ns. I wish to do a small
   run. Is there any way I can modify that? I've tried to create a mdp
   that best matches the parameters found through gmxdump, but it gives
 me a
   lot of LINCS error. I can upload the mdp file and gmxdump file if you
   kind to help. Thanks in advance.
   Best regards,
   Guanglei Cui
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Guanglei Cui
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Re: [gmx-users] segfault on Gromacs 4.6.3 (cuda)

2013-09-18 Thread Guanglei Cui
Thanks very much, Szilárd.

Our IT just found out we purchased the latest Intel compiler, but
apparently was never installed. Now, I can check if this happens with the
new compiler. I may or may not follow up with a bug report if I can't
reproduce the behavior.


On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Szilárd Páll


 On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  Hi Szilard,
  Thanks again for getting back. You may remember the previous thread I
  started on regression test failure with icc 11.x compiled binary. Falling
 As it was not referenced, I did not recall your previous mail at the
 time of writing my above reply.

  back to SSE2 is my solution, and binaries compiled this way are able to
  pass all regression tests, including the one with GPU switched on.
  it is not clear to me if the GPU part is specifically tested in the

 In the regression test runs mdrun uses automated selection of CPU or
 GPU - the same way as it would happen if you were doing a standalone
 run. Your question reminds me that we should probably extend this
 behaviour so that when a GPU is present not only the GPU Verlet scheme
 kernels will be used in the testing.

 Therefore, my I advise is that regression tests on machines with a GPU
 and a GPU-enable builds should, for now, be done in two passes:
 - tests using GPU Verlet kernels: make check;
 - tests using CPU Verlet kernels: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= make check
 (or use GMX_DISABLE_GPU_DETECTION in case of detection issues)

  As I was trying to explain in the original email, the binary works fine
  a node with proper graphics driver, but crashes on a node where the
  graphics driver is older than the CUDA SDK used in compilation. I think
  updating the driver may potentially enable the GPU part. Pure CPU

 I understood, that's what my comment regarding the less than graceful
 handling of some GPU detection cases. We'll improve this behaviour in
 one of the upcoming versions.

  calculation with the same binary seems not working. It is not clear to me
  if this is caused by the compiler. It's not really simple to update the
  to 4.7 or greater since we use CentOS 5.x in the company. Even CentOS 6.x
  uses gcc 4.4.x as default.
  I've just tested the code with -nb cpu. It still crashes. The binary

 Have you tried setting the aforementioned environment variable,

  compiled without GPU works as expected and passed all regression tests.
  now, I can keep separate binaries for GPU and CPU applications before I
  get gcc 4.7 or greater installed.

 Have you built the correctly functioning mdrun without GPU support on
 the same machine with the same compiler and libraries as your
 problematic GPU-enabled builds? While performance-wise it is far from
 the best choice, AFAIK gcc 4.4 should work OK - at least in our
 automated tests it does.
 Hence, the fact that you are using gcc 4.4 should not result in a
 crash when switching to a CPU-only run.

 I would appreciate if you could open an issue on,
 describe the behaviour you are seeing, and provide as many of the
 following information as possible:
 - log files produced with the crashing binary;
 - result of running with GMX_DISABLE_GPU_DETECTION;
 - a backtrace of the crash (build with
 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo, run in gdb, type bt after the crash
 occurs and provide the output) and/or
 - run with mdrun -debug 1 and provide the mdrun.debug output.

 With the above information we should be able to judge what is causing
 the problem.


  Best regards,
  On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Szilárd Páll
  First of all, icc 11 is not well tested and there have been reports
  about it compiling broken code. This could explain the crash, but
  you'd need to do a bit more testing to confirm. Regading the GPU
  detection error, if you use a driver which is incompatible with the
  CUDA runtime (at least as high API version, see the mdrun log header's
  last two lines) and at the moment, some of such cases are not detected
  particularly gracefully.
  A few things to try:
  - use gcc, 4.7 is as fast or faster than any icc;
  - run with the -nb cpu option; does it still crash?
  - run with GPU detection completely disabled*
  - run the regressiontests; try using CPUs only*
  *You can set the GMX_DISABLE_GPU_DETECTION environment variable to
  completely disable the GPU detection.
  On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Dear GMX users,
   I recently compiled Gromacs 4.6.3 with CUDA (Intel compiler 11.x,
   CUDA SDK 5.0.35). I was doing a test run with simply 'mdrun -deffnm
   eq2_npt_verlet' (letting mdrun figure out what to use). I received the
   error telling me my graphics driver was older than 

[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina
Bonds are harmonic. I can test it by restraining them? For purpose of testing
I can even make the topology bond to be 2.06, as in the input file. 

My system shouldn't be any different from a mice sheet, for instance. Both
have Metal - O bonds that continue through the sheet. What do you mean by
the original geometry - obv it shall be slightly changing through the MD.

Shall I be on Gromacs Dev sub-forum to get more insights on how the
periodic_molecule works? Or may be could I ask person who implemented that
part? I would really like to get it working in Gromacs, rather than having
to change the engine.

Thank you,

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Justin Lemkul

On 9/18/13 9:57 AM, Valentina wrote:

Bonds are harmonic. I can test it by restraining them? For purpose of testing
I can even make the topology bond to be 2.06, as in the input file.

Constraints would probably fail, given the relatively large change in geometry. 
 You can try, but I'd suspect it will crash.

My system shouldn't be any different from a mice sheet, for instance. Both
have Metal - O bonds that continue through the sheet. What do you mean by
the original geometry - obv it shall be slightly changing through the MD.

Original geometry = what you are providing for coordinates.

Shall I be on Gromacs Dev sub-forum to get more insights on how the
periodic_molecule works? Or may be could I ask person who implemented that
part? I would really like to get it working in Gromacs, rather than having
to change the engine.

If you want to talk about code, the development list is the right place for the 
discussion, but I know that periodic_molecules should work, given previous 
(solved) issues on the list and the fact that I made a simple CNT work at one 
point.  Have a look through the code and if there are any obvious (or 
non-obvious!) issues, please report back via gmx-developers.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441

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[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina
On restraining bonds:

The atom moves across the basic unit, i.e. it is not recognising that it
should bond via periodic_molecule

Error: The charge group starting at atom 2833 moved than the distance
allowed by the domain decomposition (1.615483) in direction X

In any case (restraining or not all-bonds) when I am doing grompp, I get a
warning - 
WARNING 1 [file LDH21/em.mdp]:
  The sum of the two largest charge group radii (1.062153) is larger than
  rlist (1.00)

I decided to take it as a healthy one, as according to

this is because of 
Molecules are broken across periodic boundaries, which is not a problem in
a periodic system.  In this case, the sum of the two largest charge groups
will correspond to a value of twice the box vector along which the molecule
is broken.

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Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Abraham
That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.

You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
it, if you want users of this list to see it.

gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
 gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not read by
 grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
 recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes with
 LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm not
 sure what's missing here.

 On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.


 On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  Thanks. Is it possible to dump the parameters in the tpr file to a mdp
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Mark Abraham
  mdrun -nsteps in 4.6 overrides the number of steps in the .tpr
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Dear GMX users,
   I'm new to Gromacs. So apologies if this question is too simple.
   I downloaded top/tpr files from the supplementary material of a
   paper. The nsteps set in the tpr file is 100ns. I wish to do a small
   run. Is there any way I can modify that? I've tried to create a mdp
   that best matches the parameters found through gmxdump, but it gives
 me a
   lot of LINCS error. I can upload the mdp file and gmxdump file if you
   kind to help. Thanks in advance.
   Best regards,
   Guanglei Cui
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 Guanglei Cui

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[gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule

2013-09-18 Thread Valentina

Seems I had to declare the atoms in .rtp with + and - when they are across
periodic boundary.
The new movie is showing that atoms do move, but not across the box. Yes, I
would have to play a little ore with parameters for the system (ongoing
work), but the major problem with PBC is sorted.

I am giving below my new (working) molecule.rtp file, that is different from
the earlier one - may be once this it may be helpful for someone;)


[ bondedtypes ]
 ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers
 1   1  0  0

 [ B21 ] ;# ldh21 
  [ atoms ]
 ; atomname atomtype charge chargegroup
   o1  oc18  -0.875   3
   h1  hoy0.350  3
   o2  oc17  -0.875   3
   h2  hoy0.350  3
   o3  oc20  -0.875   3
   h3  hoy0.350  3
   o4  oc21  -0.875   1
   h4  hoy0.350  1
   o5  oc16  -0.875   1
   h5  hoy0.350  1
   o6  oc19  -0.875   1
   h6  hoy0.350  1
   mg1 mg1.400
   al1 ac3   1.351
   mg2 mg1.400
   o7  oc16  -0.875   2
   h7  hoy0.350  2
   o8  oc19   -0.875  2
   h8  hoy0.350  2
   o9  oc18   -0.875   1
   h9  hoy0.350  1
   o10 oc17   -0.875   1
   h10 hoy0.350  1
   o11 oc20   -0.875   1
   h11 hoy0.350  1
   o12 oc21   -0.875   2
   h12 hoy0.350  2
   mg3 mg1.400
   mg4 mg1.400
   al2 ac3   1.352
   o13 oc20   -0.875   2
   h13 hoy0.350  2
   o14 oc21   -0.875   3
   h14 hoy0.350  3
   o15 oc16   -0.875   3
   h15 hoy0.350  3
   o16  oc19   -0.875   3
   h16  hoy0.350  3
   o17  oc18   -0.875   2
   h17  hoy0.350  2
   o18  oc17   -0.875   2
   h18  hoy0.350  2
   al3  ac3   1.353
   mg5  mg1.400
   mg6  mg1.400
  [ bonds ]
 ; atom1 atom2   parametersindex
   o1 h1 b_oc-h
   o2 h2 b_oc-h
   o3 h3 b_oc-h
   o4 h4 b_oc-h
   o5 h5 b_oc-h
   o6 h6 b_oc-h
   o7 h7 b_oc-h
   o8 h8 b_oc-h
   o9 h9 b_oc-h
   o10 h10 b_oc-h
   o11 h11 b_oc-h
   o12 h12 b_oc-h
   o13 h13 b_oc-h
   o14 h14 b_oc-h
   o15 h15 b_oc-h
   o16 h16 b_oc-h
   o17 h17 b_oc-h
   o18 h18 b_oc-h
   al3 +o1 b_ac-oc
   al3 +o2 b_ac-oc
   al3 +o3 b_ac-oc
   o4 al1 b_ac-oc
   o5 al1 b_ac-oc
   o6 al1 b_ac-oc
   al2 -o7 b_ac-oc
   al2 -o8 b_ac-oc
   o9 al1 b_ac-oc
   o10 al1 b_ac-oc
   o11 al1 b_ac-oc
   o12 al2 b_ac-oc
   al2 -o13 b_ac-oc
   o14 al3 b_ac-oc
   o15 al3 b_ac-oc
   o16 al3 b_ac-oc
   o17 al2 b_ac-oc
   o18 al2 b_ac-oc
  [ angles ]
 ;  aiajak   gromos type 
al3   o14   h14   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o15   h15   a_ac-oc-h
al3   +o1   +h1   a_ac-oc-h
al3   o16   h16   a_ac-oc-h
al3   +o2   +h2   a_ac-oc-h
al3   +o3   +h3   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o4   h4   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o5   h5   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o9   h9   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o6   h6   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o10   h10   a_ac-oc-h
al1   o11   h11   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o12   h12   a_ac-oc-h
al2   -o7   -h7   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o17   h17   a_ac-oc-h
al2   -o8   -h8   a_ac-oc-h
al2   o18   h18   a_ac-oc-h
al2   -o13   -h13   a_ac-oc-h
o5  al1 o10 a_oc-ac-oc_1
-o7 al2 o18 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o15 al3 +o2 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o9  al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_1
o17 al2 -o8 a_oc-ac-oc_1
+o1 al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o11 al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_1
-o13al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_1
+o3 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_1
o5  al1 o9  a_oc-ac-oc_2
-o7 al2 o17 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 +o1 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
-o7 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o15 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 -o8 a_oc-ac-oc_2
+o2 al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o10 al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o18 al2 -o13a_oc-ac-oc_2
+o2 al3 +o3 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o9  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_2
o17 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_2
+o1 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o6  al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_2
-o8 al2 -o13a_oc-ac-oc_2
o16 al3 +o3 a_oc-ac-oc_2
o5  al1 o6  a_oc-ac-oc_3
-o7 al2 -o8 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o15 al3 o16 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o5  al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_3
-o7 al2 -o13a_oc-ac-oc_3
o15 al3 +o3 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o10 al1 o9  a_oc-ac-oc_3
o18 al2 o17 a_oc-ac-oc_3
+o2 al3 +o1 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o10 al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_3
o18 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_3
+o2 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o9  al1 o11 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o17 al2 -o13a_oc-ac-oc_3
+o1 al3 +o3 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o6  al1 o4  a_oc-ac-oc_3
-o8 al2 o12 a_oc-ac-oc_3
o16 al3 o14 a_oc-ac-oc_3

View this message in context:
Sent from the GROMACS Users Forum mailing list archive at
gmx-users mailing
* Please search the archive at 

Re: [gmx-users] BGQ compilation with verlet kernels: #include file kernel_impl.h not found.

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Abraham
Thanks for the follow up.

The take-home lesson is that building for BlueGene/Q is unlike
building for the usual homogenous x86 cluster. You still need an MPI
and non-MPI build, but the latter should be targeted at the front end
(Linux on PowerPC, usually), unless/until GROMACS tools acquire MPI
functionality useful on a BlueGene/Q scale.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:07 AM, Christopher Neale wrote:
 Indeed, it works just fine when I compile with mpi. I never thought to check 
 that. My usual procedure is
 to compile the whole package without mpi and then to compile mdrun with mpi. 
 Thanks for the help Mark.

 Here is the compilation script that worked for me.

 module purge
 module load vacpp/12.1 xlf/14.1 mpich2/xl
 module load cmake/2.8.8
 module load fftw/3.3.2

 export FFTW_LOCATION=/scinet/bgq/Libraries/fftw-3.3.2

 cmake ../source/ \
   -DGMX_X11=OFF \

 make -j 16
 make install

 gmx-users mailing
 * Please search the archive at before posting!
 * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
 www interface or send it to
 * Can't post? Read
gmx-users mailing
* Please search the archive at before posting!
* Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to
* Can't post? Read

Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Guanglei Cui
Thanks. gmxcheck is quite helpful. Here is part of the output. It turns out
the difference is mainly in the force field parameters, which indicates the
top file provided may not be the one used to produce the tpr file. Perhaps
it is best to contact the authors, unless the difference is due to certain
changes between gmx 4.0.x and gmx 4.6.3.

inputrec-nsteps (5000 - 5000)
inputrec-nstcalclr (5 - 0)
inputrec-nstdhdl (1 - 50)
inputrec-fepvals-init_fep_state ( 0.0e+00 - -1.0e+00)
inputrec-fepvals-lambda_neighbors[1] (0 - 1)
inputrec-fepvals-sc_power (0 - 1)
inputrec-dihre_fc (1.00e+03 - 0.00e+00)
inputrec-grpopts.ngtc (4 - 1)
inputrec-grpopts.ngener (4 - 1)
inputrec-grpopts.nrdf[ 0] (8.610900e+04 - 2.136210e+05)
idef-iparam[12]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
idef-iparam[12]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
idef-iparam[54]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
idef-iparam[54]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
idef-iparam[82]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
idef-iparam[82]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
idef-iparam[96]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
idef-iparam[96]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
idef-iparam[124]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
idef-iparam[124]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
idef-iparam[152]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
idef-iparam[152]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
idef-iparam[166]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
idef-iparam[166]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
idef-iparam[168]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
idef-iparam[168]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
idef-iparam[171]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
idef-iparam[171]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
idef-iparam[173]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
idef-iparam[173]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
idef-iparam[174]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
idef-iparam[174]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
idef-iparam[176]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
idef-iparam[176]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
idef-iparam[178]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
idef-iparam[178]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
idef-iparam[179]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
idef-iparam[179]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
idef-iparam[180]1: c6= 6.22385694e-03, c12= 5.03394313e-06
idef-iparam[180]2: c6= 2.05496373e-24, c12= 0.e+00
idef-iparam[181]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
idef-iparam[181]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
idef-iparam[194]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
idef-iparam[194]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.

 You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
 it, if you want users of this list to see it.

 gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
 you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
 that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting


 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not read
  grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
  recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes
  LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm
  sure what's missing here.
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham
  No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Thanks. Is it possible to dump the parameters in the tpr file to a mdp
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Mark Abraham
   mdrun -nsteps in 4.6 overrides the number of steps in the .tpr
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
Dear GMX users,
I'm new to Gromacs. So apologies if this question is too simple.
I downloaded top/tpr files from the supplementary material of a
paper. The nsteps set in the tpr file is 100ns. I wish to do a
run. Is there any way I can modify that? I've tried to create a mdp
that best matches the parameters found through gmxdump, but it
  me a
lot of LINCS error. I can upload the mdp file and gmxdump file if
kind to help. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Guanglei Cui
gmx-users mailing
* Please search the archive at

Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Abraham
There are technical differences between versions about how the VDW
parameters are computed. You should not expect .tpr equivalence
between minor version changes such as 4.0 and 4.6. You need to compile
a 4.0.x grompp to see if your setup is equivalent, but having done so
you should be able to use the same inputs to 4.6 grompp and get a
correct simulation with 4.6 mdrun.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
 Thanks. gmxcheck is quite helpful. Here is part of the output. It turns out
 the difference is mainly in the force field parameters, which indicates the
 top file provided may not be the one used to produce the tpr file. Perhaps
 it is best to contact the authors, unless the difference is due to certain
 changes between gmx 4.0.x and gmx 4.6.3.

 inputrec-nsteps (5000 - 5000)
 inputrec-nstcalclr (5 - 0)
 inputrec-nstdhdl (1 - 50)
 inputrec-fepvals-init_fep_state ( 0.0e+00 - -1.0e+00)
 inputrec-fepvals-lambda_neighbors[1] (0 - 1)
 inputrec-fepvals-sc_power (0 - 1)
 inputrec-dihre_fc (1.00e+03 - 0.00e+00)
 inputrec-grpopts.ngtc (4 - 1)
 inputrec-grpopts.ngener (4 - 1)
 inputrec-grpopts.nrdf[ 0] (8.610900e+04 - 2.136210e+05)
 idef-iparam[12]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
 idef-iparam[12]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
 idef-iparam[54]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
 idef-iparam[54]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
 idef-iparam[82]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
 idef-iparam[82]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
 idef-iparam[96]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
 idef-iparam[96]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
 idef-iparam[124]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
 idef-iparam[124]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
 idef-iparam[152]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
 idef-iparam[152]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
 idef-iparam[166]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
 idef-iparam[166]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
 idef-iparam[168]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
 idef-iparam[168]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
 idef-iparam[171]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
 idef-iparam[171]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
 idef-iparam[173]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
 idef-iparam[173]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
 idef-iparam[174]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
 idef-iparam[174]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
 idef-iparam[176]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
 idef-iparam[176]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
 idef-iparam[178]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
 idef-iparam[178]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
 idef-iparam[179]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
 idef-iparam[179]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
 idef-iparam[180]1: c6= 6.22385694e-03, c12= 5.03394313e-06
 idef-iparam[180]2: c6= 2.05496373e-24, c12= 0.e+00
 idef-iparam[181]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
 idef-iparam[181]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
 idef-iparam[194]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
 idef-iparam[194]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13

 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mark Abraham 

 That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.

 You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
 it, if you want users of this list to see it.

 gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
 you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
 that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting


 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not read
  grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
  recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes
  LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm
  sure what's missing here.
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham
  No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Thanks. Is it possible to dump the parameters in the tpr file to a mdp
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Mark Abraham
   mdrun -nsteps in 4.6 overrides the number of steps in the .tpr
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
Dear GMX users,
I'm new to Gromacs. So apologies if this question is too simple.
I downloaded top/tpr files from the supplementary material of a
paper. The nsteps set in the tpr file is 100ns. I wish to 

Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Guanglei Cui
hmm, does that mean the gmx force field file format or specifications are
not backward compatible?

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 There are technical differences between versions about how the VDW
 parameters are computed. You should not expect .tpr equivalence
 between minor version changes such as 4.0 and 4.6. You need to compile
 a 4.0.x grompp to see if your setup is equivalent, but having done so
 you should be able to use the same inputs to 4.6 grompp and get a
 correct simulation with 4.6 mdrun.


 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  Thanks. gmxcheck is quite helpful. Here is part of the output. It turns
  the difference is mainly in the force field parameters, which indicates
  top file provided may not be the one used to produce the tpr file.
  it is best to contact the authors, unless the difference is due to
  changes between gmx 4.0.x and gmx 4.6.3.
  inputrec-nsteps (5000 - 5000)
  inputrec-nstcalclr (5 - 0)
  inputrec-nstdhdl (1 - 50)
  inputrec-fepvals-init_fep_state ( 0.0e+00 - -1.0e+00)
  inputrec-fepvals-lambda_neighbors[1] (0 - 1)
  inputrec-fepvals-sc_power (0 - 1)
  inputrec-dihre_fc (1.00e+03 - 0.00e+00)
  inputrec-grpopts.ngtc (4 - 1)
  inputrec-grpopts.ngener (4 - 1)
  inputrec-grpopts.nrdf[ 0] (8.610900e+04 - 2.136210e+05)
  idef-iparam[12]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
  idef-iparam[12]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
  idef-iparam[54]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
  idef-iparam[54]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
  idef-iparam[82]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
  idef-iparam[82]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
  idef-iparam[96]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
  idef-iparam[96]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
  idef-iparam[124]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
  idef-iparam[124]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
  idef-iparam[152]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
  idef-iparam[152]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
  idef-iparam[166]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
  idef-iparam[166]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
  idef-iparam[168]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
  idef-iparam[168]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
  idef-iparam[171]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
  idef-iparam[171]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
  idef-iparam[173]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
  idef-iparam[173]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
  idef-iparam[174]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
  idef-iparam[174]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
  idef-iparam[176]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
  idef-iparam[176]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
  idef-iparam[178]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
  idef-iparam[178]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
  idef-iparam[179]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
  idef-iparam[179]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
  idef-iparam[180]1: c6= 6.22385694e-03, c12= 5.03394313e-06
  idef-iparam[180]2: c6= 2.05496373e-24, c12= 0.e+00
  idef-iparam[181]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
  idef-iparam[181]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
  idef-iparam[194]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
  idef-iparam[194]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mark Abraham
  That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.
  You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
  it, if you want users of this list to see it.
  gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
  you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
  that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not
   grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
   recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes
   LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm
   sure what's missing here.
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham
   No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
Thanks. Is it possible to dump the parameters in the tpr file to a
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Mark Abraham
mdrun -nsteps in 4.6 overrides the number of steps in the .tpr
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 

Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Mark Abraham
Implementation and description of a model physics are two different
things. You could compute KE of a particle with 0.5 * m * v^2, but if
the mass is used nowhere else, why wouldn't you pre-multiply the mass
by 0.5?


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
 hmm, does that mean the gmx force field file format or specifications are
 not backward compatible?

 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 There are technical differences between versions about how the VDW
 parameters are computed. You should not expect .tpr equivalence
 between minor version changes such as 4.0 and 4.6. You need to compile
 a 4.0.x grompp to see if your setup is equivalent, but having done so
 you should be able to use the same inputs to 4.6 grompp and get a
 correct simulation with 4.6 mdrun.


 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  Thanks. gmxcheck is quite helpful. Here is part of the output. It turns
  the difference is mainly in the force field parameters, which indicates
  top file provided may not be the one used to produce the tpr file.
  it is best to contact the authors, unless the difference is due to
  changes between gmx 4.0.x and gmx 4.6.3.
  inputrec-nsteps (5000 - 5000)
  inputrec-nstcalclr (5 - 0)
  inputrec-nstdhdl (1 - 50)
  inputrec-fepvals-init_fep_state ( 0.0e+00 - -1.0e+00)
  inputrec-fepvals-lambda_neighbors[1] (0 - 1)
  inputrec-fepvals-sc_power (0 - 1)
  inputrec-dihre_fc (1.00e+03 - 0.00e+00)
  inputrec-grpopts.ngtc (4 - 1)
  inputrec-grpopts.ngener (4 - 1)
  inputrec-grpopts.nrdf[ 0] (8.610900e+04 - 2.136210e+05)
  idef-iparam[12]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
  idef-iparam[12]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
  idef-iparam[54]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
  idef-iparam[54]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
  idef-iparam[82]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
  idef-iparam[82]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
  idef-iparam[96]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
  idef-iparam[96]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
  idef-iparam[124]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
  idef-iparam[124]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
  idef-iparam[152]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
  idef-iparam[152]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
  idef-iparam[166]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
  idef-iparam[166]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
  idef-iparam[168]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
  idef-iparam[168]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
  idef-iparam[171]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
  idef-iparam[171]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
  idef-iparam[173]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
  idef-iparam[173]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
  idef-iparam[174]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
  idef-iparam[174]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
  idef-iparam[176]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
  idef-iparam[176]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
  idef-iparam[178]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
  idef-iparam[178]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
  idef-iparam[179]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
  idef-iparam[179]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
  idef-iparam[180]1: c6= 6.22385694e-03, c12= 5.03394313e-06
  idef-iparam[180]2: c6= 2.05496373e-24, c12= 0.e+00
  idef-iparam[181]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
  idef-iparam[181]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
  idef-iparam[194]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
  idef-iparam[194]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mark Abraham
  That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.
  You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
  it, if you want users of this list to see it.
  gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
  you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
  that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not
   grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options that are not
   recognized by grompp. It is attached here. The simulation soon crashes
   LINCS errors after 25 steps, while the original tpr runs properly. I'm
   sure what's missing here.
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Mark Abraham
   No. Theoretically useful, but not implemented.
   On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Guanglei Cui 

Re: [gmx-users] modify nsteps in an existing tpr file

2013-09-18 Thread Guanglei Cui
It is only a simple question, not a criticism of any kind. I'm sure there
may be perfect reasons to choose one implementation over another. To
someone who is not familiar with the history of gmx development, it is
something to be aware of. That's all.

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Implementation and description of a model physics are two different
 things. You could compute KE of a particle with 0.5 * m * v^2, but if
 the mass is used nowhere else, why wouldn't you pre-multiply the mass
 by 0.5?


 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
  hmm, does that mean the gmx force field file format or specifications are
  not backward compatible?
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Mark Abraham
  There are technical differences between versions about how the VDW
  parameters are computed. You should not expect .tpr equivalence
  between minor version changes such as 4.0 and 4.6. You need to compile
  a 4.0.x grompp to see if your setup is equivalent, but having done so
  you should be able to use the same inputs to 4.6 grompp and get a
  correct simulation with 4.6 mdrun.
  On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
   Thanks. gmxcheck is quite helpful. Here is part of the output. It
   the difference is mainly in the force field parameters, which
   top file provided may not be the one used to produce the tpr file.
   it is best to contact the authors, unless the difference is due to
   changes between gmx 4.0.x and gmx 4.6.3.
   inputrec-nsteps (5000 - 5000)
   inputrec-nstcalclr (5 - 0)
   inputrec-nstdhdl (1 - 50)
   inputrec-fepvals-init_fep_state ( 0.0e+00 -
   inputrec-fepvals-lambda_neighbors[1] (0 - 1)
   inputrec-fepvals-sc_power (0 - 1)
   inputrec-dihre_fc (1.00e+03 - 0.00e+00)
   inputrec-grpopts.ngtc (4 - 1)
   inputrec-grpopts.ngener (4 - 1)
   inputrec-grpopts.nrdf[ 0] (8.610900e+04 - 2.136210e+05)
   idef-iparam[12]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
   idef-iparam[12]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
   idef-iparam[54]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
   idef-iparam[54]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
   idef-iparam[82]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
   idef-iparam[82]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
   idef-iparam[96]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
   idef-iparam[96]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
   idef-iparam[124]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
   idef-iparam[124]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
   idef-iparam[152]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
   idef-iparam[152]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
   idef-iparam[166]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
   idef-iparam[166]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
   idef-iparam[168]1: c6= 4.23112651e-03, c12= 4.76949208e-06
   idef-iparam[168]2: c6= 4.68938737e-08, c12= 1.15147106e-12
   idef-iparam[171]1: c6= 4.58155479e-03, c12= 4.48611081e-06
   idef-iparam[171]2: c6= 4.46544206e-08, c12= 8.37594751e-13
   idef-iparam[173]1: c6= 3.75142763e-03, c12= 4.22875655e-06
   idef-iparam[173]2: c6= 4.15773336e-08, c12= 1.02092445e-12
   idef-iparam[174]1: c6= 3.8381e-03, c12= 2.83264171e-06
   idef-iparam[174]2: c6= 2.83739432e-08, c12= 3.04270091e-13
   idef-iparam[176]1: c6= 4.26879199e-03, c12= 3.50070763e-06
   idef-iparam[176]2: c6= 3.50897622e-08, c12= 4.64908439e-13
   idef-iparam[178]1: c6= 3.59375845e-03, c12= 2.76020933e-06
   idef-iparam[178]2: c6= 2.76677472e-08, c12= 3.21553060e-13
   idef-iparam[179]1: c6= 7.79988989e-03, c12= 1.19875567e-05
   idef-iparam[179]2: c6= 1.12529349e-07, c12= 4.90395051e-12
   idef-iparam[180]1: c6= 6.22385694e-03, c12= 5.03394313e-06
   idef-iparam[180]2: c6= 2.05496373e-24, c12= 0.e+00
   idef-iparam[181]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
   idef-iparam[181]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
   idef-iparam[194]1: c6= 3.93928867e-03, c12= 3.50622463e-06
   idef-iparam[194]2: c6= 3.50750256e-08, c12= 5.46337281e-13
   On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mark Abraham
   That -om mechanism has been broken for about a decade, unfortunately.
   You will need to include the file, or post a link a file, not attach
   it, if you want users of this list to see it.
   gmxcheck to compare your new and old .tpr files is useful to see what
   you might need in the new .mdp file to reproduce the first one. Note
   that grompp -c yourold.tpr is the best way to get the same starting
   On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Guanglei Cui wrote:
gmxdump -om writes out a mdp file based on the tpr, but that is not
grompp. I tried to change or comment out mdp options 

[gmx-users] Selecting certain types of atoms from trajectory file with C++ code

2013-09-18 Thread Zhikun
Dear users,

Recently I have been trying to use xdrfile libray to read trajectory
.trr file in my own C++ code. Now I can just read the coordinates of  all
atoms at each time frame. But I don't know how to select certain types of
atoms from the trajectory file. Although the graomcs tool make_ndx can do
this, but i need to do it with C++ codes for the purpose of further
analysis. Does someone have any experience about this? Your reply would be
greatly appreciated.

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 113, Issue 81

2013-09-18 Thread Jernej Zidar
 Re: [gmx-users] BGQ compilation with verlet kernels: #include
filekernel_impl.h not found.

Side note: On a Blue Gene/Q machine this particular version of Gromacs
is 2.5x times faster than the regular one. I really hope thw BGQ
accelerated kernels will go into the main branch soon.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 11:40 PM, wrote:
 Send gmx-users mailing list submissions to

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 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of gmx-users digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: periodic molecule (Valentina)
2. Re: Re: periodic molecule (Justin Lemkul)
3. Re: periodic molecule (Valentina)
4. Re: modify nsteps in an existing tpr file (Mark Abraham)
5. Re: periodic molecule (Valentina)
6. Re: BGQ compilation with verlet kernels: #include file
   kernel_impl.h not found. (Mark Abraham)


 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 06:57:11 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Valentina
 Subject: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 Bonds are harmonic. I can test it by restraining them? For purpose of testing
 I can even make the topology bond to be 2.06, as in the input file.

 My system shouldn't be any different from a mice sheet, for instance. Both
 have Metal - O bonds that continue through the sheet. What do you mean by
 the original geometry - obv it shall be slightly changing through the MD.

 Shall I be on Gromacs Dev sub-forum to get more insights on how the
 periodic_molecule works? Or may be could I ask person who implemented that
 part? I would really like to get it working in Gromacs, rather than having
 to change the engine.

 Thank you,

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the GROMACS Users Forum mailing list archive at


 Message: 2
 Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:01:39 -0400
 From: Justin Lemkul
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 On 9/18/13 9:57 AM, Valentina wrote:
 Bonds are harmonic. I can test it by restraining them? For purpose of testing
 I can even make the topology bond to be 2.06, as in the input file.

 Constraints would probably fail, given the relatively large change in 
   You can try, but I'd suspect it will crash.

 My system shouldn't be any different from a mice sheet, for instance. Both
 have Metal - O bonds that continue through the sheet. What do you mean by
 the original geometry - obv it shall be slightly changing through the MD.

 Original geometry = what you are providing for coordinates.

 Shall I be on Gromacs Dev sub-forum to get more insights on how the
 periodic_molecule works? Or may be could I ask person who implemented that
 part? I would really like to get it working in Gromacs, rather than having
 to change the engine.

 If you want to talk about code, the development list is the right place for 
 discussion, but I know that periodic_molecules should work, given previous
 (solved) issues on the list and the fact that I made a simple CNT work at one
 point.  Have a look through the code and if there are any obvious (or
 non-obvious!) issues, please report back via gmx-developers.



 Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
 Postdoctoral Fellow

 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
 School of Pharmacy
 Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
 University of Maryland, Baltimore
 20 Penn St.
 Baltimore, MD 21201 | (410) 706-7441



 Message: 3
 Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:10:39 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Valentina
 Subject: [gmx-users] Re: periodic molecule
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 On restraining bonds:

 The atom moves across the basic unit, i.e. it is not recognising that it
 should bond via periodic_molecule

 Error: The charge group starting at atom 2833 moved than the distance
 allowed by the domain decomposition (1.615483) in direction X

 In any case (restraining or not all-bonds) when I am