In the meanwhile, Iceweasel/Firefox is not a better option than Icecat.
One reason to IceCat lacks of developers/contributors is the lack of
distribution to users.

El 09/08/17 a les 22:42, Sam Geeraerts ha escrit:
> Op Wed, 9 Aug 2017 09:55:42 +0200
> schreef Narcis Garcia <>:
>> Here is the information concerning to this proposal:
>> GuixSD, Parabola and Trisquel already include IceCat in their
>> repositories.
> It makes a lot of sense for a free distro to include IceCat. And I must
> admit that our Iceweasel is not in the state I would like it to be. But
> I unsubscribed from Gnuzilla's mailing list a few months ago because I
> got really tired of all the complaints, demands and rants without much
> constructive contributions coming in. I think a discussion about what
> we want a browser for a free distro to look like is needed and it's
> also a continuous evaluation, but the IceCat community does/did not
> seem to be welcoming to that.
> So I'm currently not looking at IceCat. I might check it out again in
> some time, hopefully getting a more positive impression then.
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