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Hi all,

First off:  Josh Flythe, contact me ASAP.  Thanks!  Now...

Due to circumstances that I really don't want to go into here, I'm
again finding myself without a job.  I'm interested in obtaining a new
position that fits one of the following descriptions:

 - programming:  I'm excellent at shell scripting, and I also know C
   pretty well.  I know Perl well enough to write programs, though I'm
   definitely no expert.  Biggest drawback here is that besides shell
   scripting, I can't really honestly say that I have a great deal of
   professional experience with programming.  I've written a few
   utilities in both C and Perl, but I don't really have any large
   project experience in any language...  The best I can do is assert
   that I'm a pretty good programmer.  Not overly helpful in an
   interview, these days...  I've learned to program in something like
   7 or 8 different languages, so learning a new one shouldn't take me
   all that long.  :)

 - Unix/Linux System administration:  This is my strongest skillset,
   as I think most of you realize.  My expertise is in configuration
   of network services, X window system, and of course with day-to-day
   administration tasks; though I'm well versed in most anything
   related to the administration of Unix/Linux systems.  I'm however
   most interested in transitioning to a role heavily involving
   programming.  This could well include an administration role with a
   focus on task automation...

 - QA:  This is sort of a wildcard for me; I have no quality assurance
   experience, but I think the basic skillset is very similar to 
   system admin.  I have no experience writing test plans, but I write 
   very well, and I think it can't be all *that* hard for someone with 
   good writing and diagnostic skills.  

N.B.: I'm a techie.  I have no interest in a management or
management-like role.  I've done that sort of thing before, and while
I *can* function in this sort of role, it's not one I'm well suited
for; nor is it one I have much interest in, despite the extra salary
it might avail.  Money isn't everything...

So, if you come across a need for any of the above, I'd appreciate it
if you'd let me know and/or put in a good word for me.  I can supply a
resume upon request, as well as numerous references (at least with
regard to system administration/support).

Thanks for reading my drivel...

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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