Who: David J. Berube
        What: Making Money With Open Source
        When: 7:30 PM Wednesday, September 24th 2003
        Where: 2nd floor, Martha's Exchange, Nashua, NH
        Directions: http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/PlaceMarthasExchange

The Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group, Merrimack Valley Chapter
(MerriLUG), will hold its next monthly meeting on Wednesday September
24th, 2003 at 7:30 PM in the second floor banquet room at Martha's
Exchange in Nashua, NH.  As always, all interested persons are welcome
to attend.  This month David Berube will reprise the talk he gave last
month to SLUG:

"Free (as in speech) doesn't mean without profit; you can make  money
off open source software. Superior quality, open software  can provide a
huge advantage over commercial software with a  hefty license fees, and
businesses are beginning to realize that. By  using open source software
to provide more value to businesses,  and charging accordingly, it's
possible for open source enthusiasts  to make a bundle while still
contributing to the open source community."

Dinner @ 18:00ish at Martha's (1rst floor, typically in the back,
right-hand side)..

For information on this and other GNHLUG activities visit:


David A. Long
JumpShift, LLC


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