> Depending on how much OSM you want to do, you might be better off buying
> the car GPS based on its features and get a GPS data logger:

That may be sensible whether OSM is hi or low. I like the control using a
non-car GPS in car gives me, but that is considered abnormal - I have put my
unit in rental cars next to the built in, and gotten them arguing. A lot of
folks want default routing that the for-the-car units provide.

Still might want to include in car GPS feature list being able to load OSM
maps, rather than only vendor paid downloads. If so, ability to load
MULTIPLE map files (different styles, sizes) and menu switch them is the one
feature I with I had. I also add  POI files that aren't fully free for
specific merchants' locations and other events. So USB/uSD
access/expandibility still matters, even if not for track files. Does it
require MS Win version X to load the proprietary map loader program, or can
usb/uSD be manipulated as a drive with copy/paste? Does gpsbabel handle any
serial protocol required?

I may add a V900 logger & bluetooth GPS to my kit, as it is suposed to make
OSM2Go on the Maemo platform more precise when in the field than the N900's
built-in GPS, and will be an elegantly small track logger for my camera bag
for geotagging, and will separate photo track storage from my magic map
Navigation device's storage. It'd be by first non-Garmin, but it's a USB
drive emulator with standard format trackfiles, so I should be ok.

As to mounting, consider security. Visible GPS or having evidence of suction
cup's slime rings on windshield say 'beak window to loot toys' in even
parking lots you wouldn't consider seedy.

n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com
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