Six people attended the December 2010 meeting of the Central New 
Hampshire Linux Group, held at the New Hampshire Technical Institute‘s 
Library from 7 to 9 PM. David Berube was the featured speaker, talking 
about his experience with large scale high-performance MySQL applications.

David is an independent software developer and consultant. One of his 
larger projects over the past couple of years has been an application 
for scheduling actors for auditions. This involves agents and projects, 
auditions, roles, videos and a number of other entities in a complex and 
fast-moving application. He’s used Ruby on Rails, PHP, MySQL, a NOSQL 
database, Amazon S3, A rack of Mac Minis, BSD, Linux, and a number of 
other elements. He had some insightful things to say about the 
development process, managing a client project, handling difficult 
requirements, scaling up million-row databases for sub-second response 
times and more. It was a meeting well worth attending.

There were a lot of useful tools and reference sites mentioned, and I 
was only able to take note of a few: Useful Ruby add-ons: New Relic, 
Query Reviewer, Percona Operations Day, Cacti for data aggregation. An 
In-depth discussion of NoSQL (“Not Only SQL”) Databases: what are they, 
what are they good for, what are the liabilities? A good discussion of 
the trade-offs of using NoSQL, reference to the NHRuby presentation on 
Redis a few months ago, and more.

Thanks to David for an informative presentation, to the attendees for a 
dynamic interactive session, and to the NHTI Library for the facilities. 
Future meetings at the Concord location have been suspended, we 
encourage our regulars to attend the Manchester ManchLUG meetings. If 
you haven’t already, consider subscribing to the announcement list so 
you’ll know when there’s an upcoming meeting. (Subscribers to the 
discussion list will automatically receive the announcements, too.)

Links to many of the resources can be found at

Ted Roche
Ted Roche&  Associates, LLC

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