I just started a project to provide "guerrilla" newsfeeds for movie-theatres 
and stuff;
wondering if anyone would be interested in helping out--adding more newsfeeds 
for different things.

First is the Wilton Town Hall Theatre, which now has a GNU social stream + 
RSS/Atom feeds
via <https://nhcrossing.com/>, as described here:


... because I love seeing things there, and I've been subscribe to their 
for years..., but I only recently came to realize/accept that the reason I 
*haven't been*
seeing things there is that their "ALL THE THINGS!" style of listings
(both in the e-mails and on the website) is not usable for me--
and my wife (and kids) and I would probably go see more movies if it didn't
require so much work to digest the listings.

I've also started capturing the Milford Drive-In's listings into a 
revision-control system
for the last couple of weeks so that I can find trends in how they update;
thinking about adding a feed for them next--though, since their season is about 
to end,
I may postpone work on that in favor of adding a listing for something else's 
interesting and live during the winter.

Looking for suggestions--and help writing scrapers/converters. Ideally for more 
local things that are more likely to appreciate the publicity than to sue me
into oblivion "just per general corporate policy".

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