When: November 19, 2008 7PM (6:30PM for Q&A)
Topic: OpenStreetMap Overview
Moderator: Richard Weait
Location: MIT Building E51, Room 376

Richard will discuss OpenStreetMap in his engaging and enthusiastic style. You'll learn a bit about the history of OSM, but not so much that you fall asleep. You'll see the amazing growth of OSM since its founding. And Richard will display some of the uses of OSM that already outstrip commercial mapping systems.

You should see this presentation if you find maps at all interesting. He'll cover enough OSM to show you what it is, why you will care, and how you can get started contributing either code or GIS data to OSM. You'll see enough of the basics to take the sting out of the learning curve in a project as far reaching as OSM.

For more information please check the BLU main site: http://www.blu.org

There is usually plenty of parking in front of MIT E-51 (2 Amherst St,
Cambridge, MA).

Our next Installfest is Saturday, November 22, 2008. I will send out a separate mailing
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Treasurer,  Boston Linux and Unix user group
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