I saw this post on BLUG and found it funny, not to mention Penguin related.


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I got this from the newsletter I'm laying out. It's a guide for anyone
in PR that has to get a real live penguin for a press conference:

“A Beginners Guide to Penguins at Press Conferences”
Erin Sutton, Assistant Account Executive, San Francisco

It always seems to be 3:00 p.m. on a Friday when a client gives you the
most challenging task of the week. In the case of the Sun Microsystem’s
Linux launch, it was “Find me a Penguin.”  Penguins are the official
“geek” mascot of the Linux Open Source Software community, and Sun
thought a live penguin on stage with Sun’s CEO Scott McNealy would be a
crowd pleaser.  Just in case Buzz readers get a similar request, here
are some helpful tips:

--Sourcing the Penguin…You need an Animal Trainer company.  Just call
Los Angeles.
--Get Two Penguins …One penguin costs around $1500 but if you get two,
then the second is half off!
--Penguins Have Needs …Plan on paying for trainers (one penguin needs
two handlers) and health certificates at $55 bucks a pop.  
--Penguins Can Fly ... Just not on Southwest Airlines. United will take
them for just $50.
--Hotels and Penguins …Want to make a hotel manager laugh?  We asked
the manager of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco if they allow penguins
in the building.  Amazingly, he said “Yes”.
--Penguins Squirm …Allow 10 minutes for the penguin to get ‘friendly’
with the CEO’s grip. Oh, and don’t expect a penguin to sit still on a
stage. They run. Fast.

As luck would have it, Sun decided Scott and Penguins wouldn’t be a
good mix afterall. At least we now know how to handle any future
penguin requests.
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