Hello world,

  After giving my recent presentations on DNS at a couple of LUG meetings, I
received several requests for copies of my example DNS zone files.  What
I've done is dress up my examples to be even more like examples, and posted
them here:


  You will *NEED* to edit those example files before you can use them in
your own configuration.  Please do so.  They should help to get you started,
though.  See the README file in the archive for details.

  These files are not necessarily self-explanatory.  If you have questions,
you can consult the documentation for your nameserver, or the RFCs, or
search the web.  You can also reply to this message.  Please send any such
replies to the list, and not just to me.  For one, I cannot guarantee I can
reply quickly, and someone else may also have the answer.  For another, the
whole point of this group is knowledge-sharing, and private replies defeat
that purpose.

  Hope this helps,

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