I would move away from register.com - they're not very responsive or 
understanding of small domain holders.

I use OpenSRS at tucows.com, and I find them inexpensive, non-invasive, 
and they give one the ability to get in the "domain business" (which 
means they have a storefront you can use to let your "friends" 
manage/pay for their own domains.


On 08/09/2017 12:57 PM, Tyson Sawyer wrote:
> I hold a couple of domains.  One is my own that I registered in '96
> and the other belongs to a friend.  The "other" I registered for him
> in '01 to help his small race engineering business.  I have few
> issues.  Well, a few to discuss here, I won't bring up working with
> Bobby Casey at this time... ;-)
> - We'd like to transfer the 2nd domain to be owned by my friend
> - They are both registered with register.com.  Is that not the cool
> thing these days?
> - They ended up under two different accounts that I hold at
> register.com with some messed up naming.
> The domains are j3.org (mine, Bill Sconce would have understood the
> reference) and smallfortuneracing.com (my friend's).
> I'm asking for advice in part because I don't want to make any
> mistakes and lose control of the domains.
> - Who should my friend register with, if not register.com?
> - What are the steps to do the transfer?
> - Should I move my domain to a different registrar and if so, to whom?
> - If not, is there a way to change or delete the "Registrant
> Organization" and username of the account?
> I guess I should also ask about appropriate Tech contacts.  The person
> I have listed at one time hosted the web site on both, is still in my
> contacts list and could call, but someone I haven't contacted in
> years.  Is it reasonable list myself for Registrant, Admin and Tech?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Ty

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