Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-27 Thread Ken D'Ambrosio

f.lux appears to be abandonware; redshift totally did the job. 

I am so one of the cool kids now. (Get it? Get it?) 

Thanks for indulging me... 


On 2016-04-26 11:08, Dan Garthwaite wrote: 

> I'm a fan of f.lux and redshift (the linux equiv). 
> Was he running vintage terminal emulator Cathode?
> [1]
> Looks like the glass screen of a VT420 (in my experience) and friends.
> [2]
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ryan Stack <> wrote:
> Yes that's probably f.lux, it has OS X version. Great app.
> Sent using Zoho Mail [3] 
>  On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 07:45:21 -0700 Matt Minuti 
> wrote  
> My first thought was something like f.lux or twilight. Something to adjust 
> the color temperature. Is that about right? 
> On Apr 26, 2016 10:43 AM, "Ken D'Ambrosio"  wrote:
> Okay, Stupid Geek Question Time.
> I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful dark. So I've got my
> screen's backlighting down to minimum. But someone up a few rows --
> probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber mode, as
> far as I can tell. (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support
> graphics. Work with me.) Anyway, that's really cool -- both from the
> "wow, I love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's not bug
> the people sitting behind me" perspective. I've done some googling, and
> haven't found anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I could
> somehow modify the color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in decent
> shape.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen? Or should I give up
> now and pay more attention to the keynote speaker?
> Thanks,
> -Ken
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> [4] 
> ___ 
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> [4]

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Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-27 Thread Alan Johnson
Have you looked for a light switch?  ;-)

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:

> Okay, Stupid Geek Question Time.
> I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful dark.  So I've got my
> screen's backlighting down to minimum.  But someone up a few rows --
> probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber mode, as
> far as I can tell.  (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support
> graphics.  Work with me.)  Anyway, that's really cool -- both from the
> "wow, I love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's not bug
> the people sitting behind me" perspective.  I've done some googling, and
> haven't found anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I could
> somehow modify the color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in decent
> shape.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen?  Or should I give up
> now and pay more attention to the keynote speaker?
> Thanks,
> -Ken
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Alan Johnson
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Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-27 Thread Joshua Judson Rosen
On 04/26/2016 11:08 AM, Dan Garthwaite wrote:
> I'm a fan of f.lux and redshift (the linux equiv).

Redshift is probably the thing to use with X11.

The docs on that say that "color temperature is changed by
setting appropriate gamma ramps", but it looks like it's actually using XCB
to scale *all of the points* on brightness-curves rather than just
adjusting the exponent used in normal gamma correction. I guess that
makes sense: you can't change your whitepoint by messing with the "xgamma"
command, because changing the gamma value just changes the exponentiation
of the values *between* a given blackpoint and whitepoint.

You could presumably also do this by defining a custom color-profile
using Argyll or something, but I have no idea how to do that.
It looks like Gnome Color Manager will let you tune your whitepoint
*after you calibrate*, but you need to hook up and ColorHug or other
calibration hardware first and actually get through the calibration step.

If anyone knows (or finds out) how to actually generate a custom color-profile
without doing calibration per se, I'd love to hear about it.

> Was he running vintage terminal emulator Cathode?
> Looks like the glass screen of a  VT420 (in my experience) and friends.
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ryan Stack < 
> > wrote:
> __
> Yes that's probably f.lux, it has OS X version. Great app.
> Sent using Zoho Mail 
>  On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 07:45:21 -0700 Matt Minuti > wrote 
> My first thought was something like f.lux or twilight. Something to 
> adjust the color temperature. Is that about right?
> On Apr 26, 2016 10:43 AM, "Ken D'Ambrosio"  > wrote:
> Okay, Stupid Geek Question Time.
> I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful dark.  So I've 
> got my
> screen's backlighting down to minimum.  But someone up a few rows 
> --
> probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber 
> mode, as
> far as I can tell.  (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support
> graphics.  Work with me.)  Anyway, that's really cool -- both 
> from the
> "wow, I love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's 
> not bug
> the people sitting behind me" perspective.  I've done some 
> googling, and
> haven't found anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I 
> could
> somehow modify the color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in 
> decent
> shape.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen?  Or should I 
> give up
> now and pay more attention to the keynote speaker?

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr."
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-26 Thread Dan Garthwaite
I'm a fan of f.lux and redshift (the linux equiv).

Was he running vintage terminal emulator Cathode?

Looks like the glass screen of a  VT420 (in my experience) and friends.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ryan Stack <> wrote:

> Yes that's probably f.lux, it has OS X version. Great app.
> Sent using Zoho Mail 
>  On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 07:45:21 -0700 Matt Minuti
> wrote 
> My first thought was something like f.lux or twilight. Something to adjust
> the color temperature. Is that about right?
> On Apr 26, 2016 10:43 AM, "Ken D'Ambrosio"  wrote:
> Okay, Stupid Geek Question Time.
> I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful dark.  So I've got my
> screen's backlighting down to minimum.  But someone up a few rows --
> probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber mode, as
> far as I can tell.  (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support
> graphics.  Work with me.)  Anyway, that's really cool -- both from the
> "wow, I love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's not bug
> the people sitting behind me" perspective.  I've done some googling, and
> haven't found anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I could
> somehow modify the color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in decent
> shape.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen?  Or should I give up
> now and pay more attention to the keynote speaker?
> Thanks,
> -Ken
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
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Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-26 Thread Ryan Stack

Yes that's probably f.lux, it has OS X version. Great app.Sent 
using Zoho Mail On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 07:45:21 -0700  Matt 
Minuti wrote My first thought was something like 
f.lux or twilight. Something to adjust the color temperature. Is that about 
right? On Apr 26, 2016 10:43 AM, "Ken D'Ambrosio"  wrote:Okay, 
Stupid Geek Question Time.  I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful 
dark.  So I've got my screen's backlighting down to minimum.  But someone up a 
few rows -- probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber 
mode, as far as I can tell.  (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support 
graphics.  Work with me.)  Anyway, that's really cool -- both from the "wow, I 
love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's not bug the people 
sitting behind me" perspective.  I've done some googling, and haven't found 
anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I could somehow modify the 
color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in decent shape.  Anyone have any 
ideas on how to make this happen?  Or should I give up now and pay more 
attention to the keynote speaker?  Thanks,  -Ken 
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Re: Amber screen?

2016-04-26 Thread Matt Minuti
My first thought was something like f.lux or twilight. Something to adjust
the color temperature. Is that about right?
On Apr 26, 2016 10:43 AM, "Ken D'Ambrosio"  wrote:

> Okay, Stupid Geek Question Time.
> I'm at the Openstack Summit, and the room is awful dark.  So I've got my
> screen's backlighting down to minimum.  But someone up a few rows --
> probably on a Mac, the heathen -- has his screen in WYSE/amber mode, as
> far as I can tell.  (Well, okay, so the stock WYSE didn't support
> graphics.  Work with me.)  Anyway, that's really cool -- both from the
> "wow, I love amber WYSE screens" perspective, and from a "let's not bug
> the people sitting behind me" perspective.  I've done some googling, and
> haven't found anything of particular note, but I'm thinking if I could
> somehow modify the color palette to just choose amber, I'd be in decent
> shape.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen?  Or should I give up
> now and pay more attention to the keynote speaker?
> Thanks,
> -Ken
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
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