Dr. Hough,

It was very nice talking to you today about the possibility of having a
MythTV installation fest at your school.  I understand that you need to
take a couple of days to familiarize yourself with what I am talking
about, but I would be more than willing to come to your facility and
discuss this to greater depth in a couple of days.

In the meantime, here are some of the project pages that I told you I
would send:

MythTV - a complete home client/server based home entertainment center,
         a "Tivo on steroids":


PlutoHome - a commercial project based on GPLed Free and Open Source
          Software to control your home:


and for someone who spent a lot of time at 1600 Osgood St.:


These are all projects that have much to do with broadband technologies
and the Internet, as well as cable TV capabilities.

As I said, it would be the desire of GNHLUG to be able to hold an
installfest for these types of systems from time to time.  We have been
talking about MythTV since our last VERY WELL ATTENDED meeting, and we
are enthusiastic about having people from New Hampshire come to your
school to do the installation and try it out.

I would envision that we would put directions on our website that would
allow people to bring their computer systems with the right
specifications (disk, memory, CPU speed and interface cards) and with
the disk wiped clean, ready to install.  They could even initially stall
the software if they have the capability of booting a live CD on their
system, just to "test it out".  As I told you on the phone, we could
install through CD/DVD or over the network, but usually the first is the
better way...we can simply re-use the CDs as each person gets finished.

Then when they bring in their system it would be a matter of setting it
up correctly and testing it.

Or they could just bring it in "bare".

I imagine we would want to do this with a smaller group to "pilot it",
then open it up to a much larger group, perhaps with a web-based time
sign-up so we are not overwhelmed at any one time.

I think the attention that this would get from newspapers, radio and
(even) TV would be good for both our group, Linux, and your school.

I will call you in a day or two to follow up on this and the other
topics I mentioned.

I am copying our organizational team to let them know I contacted you.

Warmest regards,

Jon "maddog" Hall
Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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