Hi Will,

2007/11/12, Willie Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Carlos:
> It's been a pleasure to work with you over the past year.  Your work on
> gnome-mag is greatly appreciated and we're going to miss your energy.
> Do you have any maintainers in mind and/or ideas for where to take
> gnome-mag?

No, I don't have any maintainer in mind. I will continue to make
releases and maintaim it until some one with more energy than me

> For example, thoughts about where we can fit things in the
> space of eZoom, DBUS, metacity, etc.?  You have a wealth of knowledge in
> your head, and it would be great to get it written down before you
> forget it.

I think that everything can be founded here:


Lot's of work to implement something like this or take otter
approaches, like hook to certain parts of Xserver so we can know
enough to re-construct a magnified scene with high text definition
(the approach done by Windows(R) solutions).
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