  what="official New York City Haskell Users Group announcement"

 From: Gershom B <gersh...@gmail.com>
 Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 14:46:19 -0500
 To: haskell-c...@haskell.org
 Subject: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: NY Haskell presents Edward Kmett on Lenses, 
Folds, and Traversals -- Wed., December 12

 The first NY Haskell Users Group meetup was a great success -- with
 roughly sixty attendees and conversations that stretched far too late
 for a weekday night. Video and slides are available for both the
 Practical Data Processing and Cloud Haskell talks:

 Video: http://vimeo.com/53906049
 Slides on Practical Data Processing:
 Slides on Cloud Haskell: http://gbaz.github.com/slides/cloud-11-2012.html
 Source for Cloud Haskell:

 We expect our next meetup will be equally exciting, at a bare minimum.
 We're actively seeking cool talks and presentations. If you're not a
 New York local, but may be passing through or are in the tri-state
 area or thereabouts, and would like to present some code or research
 with even tangentially real-world implications to an informed and
 appreciated audience, please do get in touch :-)

 Also, there will be a NY tech holiday party on December 11th, which we
 are organizing along with other NY technology and PL groups. Details
 are available at the on the meetup site:
 http://www.meetup.com/NY-Haskell/. Finally, at some point, we will
 probably cease to spam -cafe with announcements of all our events, so
 even if you can't make it to the next few ones, registering at the
 meetup site is the best way to stay on top of what we will have

 - - - -

 Lenses, Folds, and Traversals
 presented by Edward Kmett

 Wednesday, December 12, 2012
 7:00 PM To 9:00 PM

 Pivotal Labs, 841 Broadway New York, NY
 (8th Floor)

 RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NY-Haskell/

 Edward Kmett will introduce his lens library, which provides a highly
 composable toolbox for accessing and modifying multiple parts of data

 From simple beginnings, starting with building blocks such as fmap and
 (.), we will build up combinators suitable for working with a wide
 array of data structures. These generalize the notions you already
 know how to use into a form that is easier to compose, and
 simultaneously allow them to be used for monomorphic containers such
 as Data.Text. All without compromising on your ability to reason about
 them using laws!

 Once we've built up some foundations, we'll do a bit of a deep dive,
 exploring consequences of this design. We will discuss the efficient
 generic programming programming framework exported by lens, and
 type-safe Traversal-based zippers.

 Familiarity with the Applicative and Traversable classes from the
 Haskell base libraries will be helpful (links provided below), but a
 basic understanding of the concepts will be introduced we go along.
 Attendees should expect to be gobsmacked with a newfound appreciation
 for the power of a little (or a lot of) abstraction.

 Useful (but not mandatory) references:

 The lens library and documentation: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens
 A previous, more introductory talk on how to use the lenses Edward
 Kmett wrote for the scalaz in the Scala programming language:
 The original Applicative paper:
 Lots of information on Traversable:
 A write-up of this talk, as presented at the Bay Area Haskell Users

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Jay Sulzberger <secret...@lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
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