  what="official Harvestworks announcement"
  note="Some parts of this series have an entrance fee."
  note="This is a five part series, of which only the first part
        is fully described below."
  edits="some reformatting, blurbs for most of the meetings removed">

 Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 17:22:36 -0500 (EST)
 From: Harvestworks Announcements <announceme...@harvestworks.org>
 Reply-To: announceme...@harvestworks.org
 Subject: Basic Electronics & Networked Sciences - 5-part Lecture/Workshop 
Series starts this Monday!

 Lecture and Workshop Series: Living Circuits by Phillip Stearns
 Current VanLier resident Phillip Stearns offers a 5-part
 educational lecture/workshop series on basic electronics and
 networked sciences. Lectures will be held on evenings during the
 week free of charge and be accompanied by an optional hands-on
 ticketed workshop held on the weekend following. The goal of the
 lectures is to provide a background and context to the
 contemporary use of electronics, computing, and biology in the
 development of neural networks. Each lecture will contain a
 historical overview of a key topic accompanied by demonstrations
 and animations. The optional workshops will focus on applying the
 information and knowledge presented in the lecture through hands
 on-projects led through slide-show, animation, and direct

 For more information, check out our class website and sign up
 here: http://tinyurl.com/stearnsclasses - If you have questions
 call Hans Tammen at 212-431-1130 ext 2. Membership is $75/yr,
 and you can pay for the membership when you sign up for the


 Lecture 1 - Electricity Basics: A Historical Overview
 Monday, March 15, 2010, 6:30 - 9:30pm FREE

 Lecture will Cover:
 Greeks and Amber
 Mesopotamian Battery + Electroplating
 Voltaic Piles and Spasming Frog Legs
 DEMONSTRATION - Batteries from food
 Atomic Models and Electromagnetism
 DC versus AC
 Edison v Tesla
 Lights and Vacuum Tubes
 Radio and Transistors
 Transistorized Computing
 Robotics and Nanotechnology
 The intersection of electronics and biology
 Workshop 1 - Circuit Bending: Building Skills for DIY Electronics
 Saturday, March 20, 2010, noon - 6pm - $145 (includes materials)

 Bent-O Boxes! // Circuit Bendable Sonic Sushi

 Build your very own bendable snack-sized sound synthesizer music
 kit that comes in a bento box project housing. The circuit is a
 1-bit digital sound s ynthesizer made from simple digital logic
 chips that has excellent circuit bending potential. Includes
 parts for the base sound generator circuit and extras for your
 own modifications. Can be used as a stand alone synthesizer
 module or as an effects pedal! No experience necessary. The class
 covers basic kit building skills, how to solder, identifying
 components, wiring design and installing knobs and switches. The
 workshop will begin with a survey of the history of electronics
 and all the accidental discoveries up to the art of circuit
 bending, no-input mixing, and the reign of the glitch in pop
 culture. As we build the kit, we'll discuss the analog and
 digital components involved, how they work together, and how they
 can be short circuited, re-routed, and customized.

 < blurbs for rest of the series />


 Harvestworks is a non-profit arts center in Lower
 Manhattan. Private funding for our programs has been provided by
 the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Jerome
 Foundation, the Mary Flagler Charitable Trust, the New York State
 Music Fund, the James E. Robison Foundation, New York Community
 Trust, the Carnegie Corporation, the Aaron Copland Fund, the
 Greenwall Foundation, the Edwards Foundation Arts Fund, the Trust
 for Mutual Understanding, Materials for the Arts, the
 Experimental TV Center and media The foundation Inc. Public
 Support is provided by New York State Council on the Arts, the
 National Endowment for the Arts and the NYC Dept. of Cultural
 Affairs. Thanks to our Friends Circle, Cycling74, Digidesign,
 Inc. and NHT Pro.

 < ... />

 Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center
 596 Broadway, Suite 602
 New York, NY 10012

Distributed poC TINC:

Jay Sulzberger <secret...@lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
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