  what="official NYLUG announcement"
 From: NYLUG Announcements <i...@nylug.org>
 To: NYLUG Announcements <nylug-annou...@nylug.org>
 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 09:45:02 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: [nylug-announce] NYLUG Presents: 12/15 @ 6:30PM David Levin, Mark 
Russell, and Roberto Salazar On Ubuntu Advantage & The 2010 NYLUG Holiday Party
 Reply-To: Announcements from NYLUG <nylug-annou...@nylug.org>

 Wednesday, December 15, 2010
 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
 590 Madison Ave, 12th Floor
 corner of 57th Street

 *** RSVP Closes at 4:30 PM the day of the meeting (sharp!) ***
 Please RSVP for EVERY meeting at this time.
 Register at http://rsvp.nylug.org/
 Check in with photo ID at the lobby for badge.

                 David Levin, Mark Russell, and Roberto Salazar
                                    - on -
                Ubuntu Advantage & The 2010 NYLUG Holiday Party

 Please join us for a NYLUG traditional December Pizza meeting, this year
 sponsored by Canonical.  David Levin, Mark Russell, and (hopefully) Roberto
 Salazar will join us for a short talk about Ubuntu Advantage, and then will
 be available during the party to answer questions about Canonical and

 Please advise us at i...@nylug.org if cheese or sugar are a problem for you
 so that we can provide enough alternatives.  

 More information:

   * Canonical

   * Ubuntu Advantage

   * Ubuntu Cloud

   * Getting Started with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud

 About Canonical:
 Canonical was founded by Mark Shuttleworth as part of his original vision
 to create software platforms that compete with the best but are free to
 use, share and develop.  Canonical's platform team leads the Ubuntu project
 and brings together the passion and genius of the open-source community.  

 About David Levin:
 David Levin works in Corporate Services at Canonical, and Tweets @ dslevin.
  He fondly remembers building CP/M systems from junked machnines to put
 himself through college.  As part of his mission to bring Ubuntu Linux to
 business, he's looking for companies looking to deploy cloud apps.  If
 that's you, you should contact him! David has also joined the ranks of
 those building our local Linux/FLOSS community here in New York.  

 About Mark Russell:
 Mark Russell is a system engineer working at Canonical, supporting major
 customers using Ubuntu Desktop and Server, Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, and
 Landscape Server.  Before jumping into Linux support full-time with Novell
 a few years ago, he spent 10 years in the IT trenches, supporting a bit of
 everything, including some less than open platforms.  However, he has found
 true FOSS bliss in the Ubuntu community and will never go back to the dark

 About Roberto Salazar:
 Roberto Salazar is an experienced IT professional who has helped improve
 business performance for major national and international corporations.  He
 has worked with a range of organisations to introduce and implement new
 hardware, software, and processes to maximise efficiency while reducing
 costs and complexity.  Prior to joining Canonical, Roberto was an
 enterprise architect for Sun Microsystems from 2001 to 2009.

 Meeting Location:
   Please note that this meeting will be held at IBM, 590 Madison Ave,
   12th floor, corner of 57th Street, and not at Google.  This is
   the building with the IBM logo on the front of the building.


 Swag (Give Away):
   During/after the meeting... unusually terrific swag may be given

   After the meeting ... You may wish to join up with other NYLUGgers
   for drinks and pub food.  This month we'll be over at TGI Friday's
   (677 Lexington and 56th Street, Second floor, Northeast corner),
   but we are also evaluating other options for the future and welcome
   your suggestions.


 Coding Workshops/Hacking Society:
   This is a group of people that wants to learn about and work on coding
   in Python, Smalltalk, Ruby, C++, LaTeX, and other languages, and hack on 
   There will also be help given for those who wish to install Linux for the
   first time.
   Sometimes they go out to eat afterward.

   Bring something to show off and discuss!

   The workshops meet every other Tuesday, at the NY Public Library,
   Hudson Park Branch.  66 Leroy St. NY NY from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
   Next meetings are December 21, and January 4.
   See the calendar at: http://nylug.org/hackcalendar

 Please see our home page at http://www.nylug.org for the HTMLized
 version of this announcement, our archives, and a lot of other good
 Hire expert Linux talent by posting jobs here :: http://jobs.nylug.org
 nylug-announce mailing list nylug-annou...@nylug.org


Distributed poC TINC:

Jay Sulzberger <secret...@lxny.org>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
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