On Jul 8, 2009, at 10:02 AM, Charles Day wrote:

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Phil Longstaff <plongst...@rogers.com>wrote:

I don't know or use Mac OSX.  Can someone who does look over the
attachments and tell me whether they are OK to apply to trunk for 2.3.3?

I guess you are talking about bug 587843:

I build GnuCash with configure/make/make install at the command line, and against libraries built with MacPorts. So I could apply the patches here and
make sure that it at least doesn't break my build.

To really test the patches I assume I would have to switch from MacPorts to jhbuild so I can build GTK-OSX. I might try that if I can figure out how to keep my MacPorts build environment at the same time, at least until I can fully switch to jhbuild at a more convenient time. I would like, for the moment, to be able to continue working on register bugs without worrying
about a learning curve for a different build tool.

I don't use fink but maybe Dave or someone else can test that, even if only
to make sure the build doesn't break.

Testing to make sure it doesn't break MacPorts & Fink is a good idea. I did check them on a Linux VM to make sure I hadn't broken anything (I had, but I fixed it before making the patches.)

If you (or anyone) who has one or the other installed wants to try a gtk-osx build, I think making a new user account with a clean environment (i.e., no trace of MacPorts or Fink in any path) is probably the safest, though I'll admit I haven't tried it. I do get support questions from users pretty often who've had trouble because they didn't completely purge MacPorts or Fink from their systems and jhbuild found the wrong macros or pkg-config or something and went astray.

John Ralls

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