Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-05 Thread Stelvio Rosset
Hi Greg and all, thanks for your comment, your "do a lot of manual processing" gave me a kind push to review completely the way I am importing the transactions. Now I just export CSV files out of the bank account (or export XLS and convert into CSV) monthly, and I leave to GNU CASH the job to

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-02 Thread Greg Feneis
I'll wager there is documentation on how to import transactions, and use the matcher dialog. Then, perhaps you can apply this info to your specific use case. It seems like you do a lot of manual processing of the data prior to import. This may be defying the ability and intention of the matcher

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-02 Thread Stelvio Rosset
Hi, many thanks for so much help and inputs. Actually in the CSV import I was setting the column "ACCOUNT TRANSFER" and "WITHDRAWAL", and then GNUCASH was asking also the ACCOUNT in mandatory way. This is way I was specifying UNBALANCE and then doing the account change later on. Probably that

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread David Cousens
Stelvio, Allowing transactions to be imported assigned to the Imbalnce account results in the import matcher not being trained to match the correct account. It is better to assign the account and correct any account assignments GnuCash has made in the Import Match window before importing , not

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread Barufa
Hi Stelvio, If you are importing single splits, you can generate one CSV by account, for instance, Credit Card. You'd match the CSV importer to Date, Withdrawal, Memo and Account Description. On the drop-down, select your Credit Card account (all postings are going to be made on this account and

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread Stelvio Rosset
David, thanks. I imported already 26 months transactions, so I think there should be already some learning by gnu-cash, on the other hand I never enjoyed this add-in. The way I am doing is to import all the transactions (import transactions from CSV), with well identified: date, description,

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread David Cousens
Stelvio, The import matching process is used by most of the import methods including CSV. The problem when you start out is that it can't initially know which specific accounts you wish to allocate transactions to, but it accumulates information as you import data that allows GnuCash to

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread Stelvio Rosset
Hi, thanks. I am using CSV to import/export, and that case I am not able to use that functionality. With many banks in EU the direct connections in not available/possible, I guess a number of us then are just importing in the same "old style" I am using. Any other suggestion in case? Example,

Re: [GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread Barufa
Hi, This "AI style" import process is already available via OFX/QFX method. At first, you'll have to manually select the corresponding account for every entry. However, as you feed more data on the system, it'll start to learn the patterns. Probably further down the road all you'll have to do is

[GNC] Transactions association to accounts (automatically)

2020-03-01 Thread Stelvio Rosset
Hi all, (first post for me) currently I am using GnuCash with the following practice: 1) download the transaction files from the bank / credit card providers; 2) re-formatting each of those via excel; 3) consolidate in excel all the transactions with a simple table form compatible with gnucash