Re: working with several workbooks

2012-12-03 Thread François Legendre
Dear Frederic, As gnumeric files are xml zipped files, a possible way is to 1) unzip the two files. 2) copy all stuff between gnm:Sheet tags from the source file to the target file. There was an example like that in this list. You can search for it. Yours, François

Re: complex testing

2010-08-12 Thread François Legendre
Hello, Is the decimal point '.' or ',' ? François ___ gnumeric-list mailing list

Wrong results with named cells in formula

2009-02-24 Thread François Legendre
Hello, I use 1.8.2 under Ubuntu. I meet the following trouble. 1) I enter a number in a cell, i.e. 2 ; 2) I define a label, i.e. label, for this cell with the item menu Insert / Names / Define... ; 3) I use the label in a formula ; 4) I get wrong results ; for example, the formula =label gives

Re: wrongly start in edit mode

2008-12-02 Thread François Legendre --recv-keys 4434BAB3 唐詩106 杜甫 春望 國破山河在 城春草木深 感時花濺淚 恨別鳥驚心 烽火連三月 家書抵萬金 白頭搔更短 渾欲不勝簪 ___ gnumeric-list mailing list -- François LEGENDRE